Beer Pong – Assassin and Civil War

I’m sure you already know how to play beer pong, but for those who don’t: Beer Pong is played by placing the cups in a triangle shape on either side of a table. Players on both sides of the table take turns trying to get ping pong balls into each other’s glasses. Every time one of your cups is tapped, you have to drink it. The person or team that sinks all of their opponent’s cups are declared the winners!

Although Beer Pong is a lot of fun on its own and can be found at almost every house party today, very competitive players like to participate in Assassin Beer Pong. In Assassin Beer Pong, you have to say which cup you are going to hit before sinking it. If you knock the front cup and hit the left rear cup, nothing happens, the other team takes the ball out and uses it. The same basic rules apply as with Beer Pong, the team that hits all of their opponent’s cups wins. No rebounds are allowed, but hot shots are applied (if both players on a team hit a cup in the same round, they can play again).

This variation of Beer Pong is not recommended for house parties or places where a lot of people are waiting to play because the games obviously take longer. This is more of a way for small groups of recreational pong players to really test their skills and have more challenging games.

Civil War takes beer pong to a whole new level – it tends to get pretty ridiculous. A larger table is required to play this, at least 4 feet wide. 3 players line up on each side and fill 6 cups in front of them (so there are 18 cups in total on each team). Every time one of your glasses is hit you drink, once all your glasses are out you are out of the game. In Civil War Beer Pong, there are no turns, the balls are free. He can go for any ball that is not in the middle of the shot and is not crossing the center of the table. When you get knocked out, you can help your teammates by recovering fumbles for them.

The problem with Civil War beer pong is that you can end up drinking a lot of beers per hour if you’re not careful; Games can end very quickly so it is important to rotate teams between Civil War Pong games. Remember, always drink responsibly.

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