The next generation is here and we are waiting

Xbox One and PlayStation 4, collectively known as ‘Next Gen’ consoles, have the ability to enable much more sophisticated games with better graphics, a larger game world, and more creative game development. Gaming audiences are excited about the possibilities of Next Gen and eager to find out how the increased capabilities of Next Gen consoles […]

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I predict that the president will outline a huge tax increase and that the majority of Americans will support him.

Introduction I predict that to reduce the federal deficit, pay for extraordinary government spending on defense and infrastructure, protect the viability of Social Security, fund a substantial tax cut for lower- and middle-class citizens, and decrease the growing wealth gap among the vast majority of Los Americans and 1 percent, a one-time tax on assets […]

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How to start changing the way you react to someone’s point of view

One of the keys to abundance and prosperity is carefully choosing those you surround yourself with to ensure a more positive environment. Unfortunately, these people may have negative moments, or you may find yourself surrounded by more negative people. This is life and you have to learn to change the way you react to them […]

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Is the balance sheet more important than the income statement?

Before answering this question, I’ll walk you through common perceptions of the income statement vs. the balance sheet, as well as recent developments in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The income statement provides a summary of the income and expenses of an organization during a particular period. Historically, this was the first report the financial […]

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A surprising fact about PlayStation 4 discovered

In terms of PlayStation 4, it doesn’t get any better. PlayStation is an exceptional gaming system that gives you unlimited fun, great graphics, and wonderful playability. It is definitely one of the main competitors for game consoles today. It has an extremely impressive online multiplayer platform. Whispered secrets of PlayStation 4 Game consoles are among […]

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