Individual character: will it be the same after death?

Dr. Raymond Moody carefully studied the visions of people near death. They reported similar experiences to each other which he termed the ‘near death experience‘. What the typical individual notices are: “A warm spirit of light appears and this being communicates in a non-verbal way so that he thinks back to his past life and […]

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The Mt. Hood tragedy recalls the “near death” of Dr. Bernie Dahl on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire

As the Mount Hood tragedy of three missing climbers in Oregon and in the media unfolded, I was once again forced to revisit my own near-death experience on Mount Washington. I was very lucky when Mike Pelcher, the leader of the rescue team, made the statement to his beleaguered team: “There’s a man dying up […]

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Интерактивная доска IQBoard DVT

доска IQBoard DVT Цифровая интерактивная доска IQBoard DVT с диагональю 92 дюйма оснащена сенсорным экраном цифрового зрения. Это позволяет учителям рисовать на доске и отображать гамбар на экране компьютера. Эта доска используется в учебных классах и на производстве. Плата поддерживает различные форматы файлов и оснащена инфракрасной камерой для записи и передачи изображений. IQBoard интерактивные дисплейные […]

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