How to recondition the batteries to be able to reuse them?

First a warning. Batteries are full of different types of chemicals. So before you embark on reconditioning them, learn how to handle them with care. Modern batteries are much more environmentally friendly than they were a few decades ago, but they contain several dangerous and corrosive elements. If you hurt yourself or spill the mixture […]

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10 scrapbook ideas for Valentine’s Day with or without photos

Valentine’s Day is all about romance, love, and friendship. It might not be a common photo opportunity, but with or without a photo, there are still plenty of scrapbook ideas for Valentine’s Day. Remember this February 14 and that special someone you asked to be yours with these tips for the Valentine’s Day scrapbook page. […]

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Five strategies that will inspire your students to learn in a virtual classroom

The shift to e-learning that occurred in 2020 may have changed higher education in profound ways, even after the crisis that caused the transition is finally resolved. Students who have never taken an online class now find that they can learn this way. However, many educators who have never taught in this environment understand that […]

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