Legal Malpractice

Legal Negligence Liability Theories Legal negligence is a broad term that encompasses various types of liability claims brought against lawyers for breach of duties that lawyers owe to clients and sometimes to other people causing harm. An attorney’s particular conduct may violate the professional standard of care, disciplinary rules, civil statutes, and even criminal statutes. […]

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Everything you need to know about workers’ compensation

We recommend workers’ compensation attorneys who work almost exclusively in the workers’ compensation industry and have years of experience with hand and wrist injuries. In general, it is advantageous to retain an attorney who has experience with a specific injury, because attorneys with experience are more likely to obtain the maximum injury benefits allowed under […]

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Solar Powered Lighting – Extensive use of solar energy

Solar energy is extensive in its use; its many uses include outdoor lighting and energy use for public lighting. Since the use of solar energy became popular, some alternative energy companies have become well known for manufacturing solar street lights and other solar powered outdoor lights. Solar streetlights generally do not require wiring or trenching; […]

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business pros and cons

Many people dream of having their own business. They focus on the benefits they could enjoy, including the freedom to choose the hours, the pride of ownership, and hopefully big profits. Unfortunately, according to Innovation, Science and Economic Development in Canada, up to 97% of new businesses with fewer than a hundred employees fail within […]

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Estate Planning for Same-Sex Couples: An Ever-Changing Area of ​​the Law

A hot legal issue these days is whether same-sex couples should have the right to marry. It seems that each new day brings another court case, legislative action, or popular vote on the issue. The rights that “straight” couples take for granted (the right to inherit a spouse’s property, the right to make medical decisions […]

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Taxes on your gambling winnings: You owe a share to Uncle Sam no matter how much you win

When you play at a casino, you can win a few bucks here and there and walk away with more bucks than you brought with you. It can be as little as $20 or as much as $1,000. When collecting, you were never presented with a form to report your earnings to the IRS. If […]

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Cultural Differences: Different ‘Time Zones’ (Part 1)

In the quest to build a strong global identity, organizations are becoming aware of more and more culture-related issues that, when used as a covert basis in policy-making and planning, would help align organizational objectives with organizational goals. regional differences. Time perspective is one such element of culture, influencing how members of a culture tend […]

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STAR Servicer – Total Achievement and Rewards Program for Mortgage Servicers

As the fallout continues with investigations of all 50 states across the country, loan servicers who are responsible for collecting invoices for mortgage payments and other aspects of mortgage servicing for investors, the government It has drawn attention to how poorly these companies are run. Fourteen companies have been under review and all of them […]

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