Why Customer Service Representatives Are Not Good Intake Specialists

Most of the attorneys I work with post advertisements for Intake Specialists who have experience in a call center or customer service environment. They think that someone who knows how to help people, or how to deal with problems, would be the perfect candidate to handle their inbound calls. You are wrong. Think about it: […]

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Why 98% of Canadian Medical Malpractice Victims Never Receive a Penny in Compensation

A famous Harvard Medical School study found that more than half of all injuries caused by medical treatment (in other words, not caused by the patient’s initial injury or illness) were preventable, and another quarter of those incidents were caused by negligence. A report published in the May 25, 2004 issue of the Journal of […]

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Determine the difference between an independent contractor and an employee

In my practice of advising business owners, they ask this question all the time. What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? I have found that most business owners are misclassifying their employees or contractors, which could lead to serious problems down the road. We answer this question by analyzing the background […]

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Massage Chair Panasonic EP30004 Shiatsu Massage Chair Review

Panasonic has its newest line of massage chairs. The Real Pro Ultra series incorporates some of Panasonic’s newest technologies in massage therapy. The subject of this review is the EP-30004 Shiatsu Massage Recliner. This model is a high-end luxury massage chair model. We’ll take a look at some of the new features and warranty coverage […]

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Real estate investment trust: evaluation of a union administrator

Private real estate investment trusts are becoming an increasingly popular investment tool in Canada. But with so many options, how can you know which one to choose? Here are ten questions to ask: 10. Do you know about real estate? Before deciding to invest with a private REIT, try to determine whether the trust owns […]

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