Cure yeast infections from the inside out: natural yeast infection remedies that work

If you have a yeast infection, you are probably desperate to cure it right away. Although it may be tempting to go out and get the closest dose of Diflucan or Monistat, you may want to reconsider these traditional medical treatments. You see, these traditional medications only cure the symptoms and not the underlying cause. […]

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The serious dangers of mold and mildew in your home

Two years of severe hurricanes along the Gulf Coast and heavy rains and flooding this spring in the Northeast are providing a national breeding ground for indoor mold and mildew growth (some deadly) now that the heat of the summer is here. What is the solution? The issue is surrounded by controversy. The Centers for […]

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How to get the perfect solution for naturally healthy hair

Just as everyone longs for flawless, smooth skin, people also seek healthy hair. Everyone wants the soft, silky, stretchy, thick mane that is advertised on television. So how can we get naturally healthy hair? The simple answer is to ditch the chemicals and switch to more natural products. But that is not the only answer. […]

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Good diet to get rid of parasites

Any living being in this world needs nutrition to live and this also happens with parasites. A healthy intestinal tract is very important to prevent attacks from various microorganisms or pathogens. It is a well known fact that parasites can be effectively prevented by taking high doses of probiotic substances such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria, […]

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3 natural ways to stop sweating. Natural cure excessive sweating

3 natural ways to stop sweating. Natural cure excessive sweating Just think that today, hyperhidrosis affects 5% of the population, and only 40% of people who suffer from it, seek medical attention to find the appropriate treatment. Hyperhidrosis has become an epidemic! Antiperspirant is often the first line of defense against hyperhidrosis. But if you […]

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