Greyhound Dog’s Story of Grief and Tragedy

Throughout history, the Greyhound has been the beloved dog breed of royalty and nobility. From the ancient Egyptians, who often mummified and buried favorite dogs with their owners; to the English nobility who enacted a law forbidding such a good beast for being owned by commoner mothers. Even the Bedouins (who as devout Muslims avoid […]

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The story of Penny Squares and other Redwork

Contour embroidery played an important role in the history of quilting. It was used in blocks, most commonly penny squares, which were printed pieces of muslin that sold for a hundred each. Contour embroidery designs spanned many styles and themes, and many of these ancient patterns are still available to quilters today. In recent years, […]

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Golden Retriever Dogs: What You Should Know About Their Ancestry

Golden retrievers became increasingly popular in Britain in the 19th century with the growth of the sport of bird hunting. Retrievers were considered the elite of sporting breeds as they were highly versatile and could be used to hunt upland and waterfowl. Many crossbreeds were used during this time, and there is no doubt that […]

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Aggression in your Puggle puppy? Don’t worry! I’m sure these steps will help you!

Puggle puppies get their sweet, intelligent, and loving demeanor from their Pug and Beagle ancestors. But just like any other breed, Puggles can show signs of aggression to their family, other dogs, and strangers. Here are some key points to help get rid of those unwanted behaviors! 1. As a puppy, growling and nipping can […]

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Remember What Comes First – Wilderness Survival Tip

When you are in a survival situation, there are many things that go through your head. However, it is very important that you remember the first thing. That’s PRWF for Protection, Rescue, Water and Food. -Protection- Your first goal should always be to ensure adequate protection. Even in 50-degree weather, you can get hypothermia, especially […]

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