Importance of Social Proof for the Hospitality Industry

There are 7 billion more people in the world today. Every day, more and more of them appear on the digital web, the ubiquitous network that happens to be the Internet. The increased penetration of smartphones, internet access, and technology in general simply indicate beyond a shadow of a doubt that yes, humans are social […]

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Internet: communication through technology, including video and audio

Who has not heard of the Internet? No one! Unless, of course, you’ve been living in a cave for the last decade! The Internet is the crowning achievement of the information age (which is what we call this age we live in). It has completely revolutionized how we communicate and how we live. But what […]

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The reality of life and having a network marketing business can help solve some of your problems.

Unfortunately, that’s not how it usually works. The reality about our financial future is quite different from that of our parents. And we all know that in our modern world, there is no such thing as job security when working for someone else. To stay employed, one needs to keep their skills sharp and polished, […]

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Why is Energy Important?

Energy Importance Energy is the unseen force that drives everything. It moves our bodies, powers our machines, and exchanges among all our interactions. It’s an essential part of life, providing vitality in our body and maintaining homeostasis. Ancient cultures have some idea of the energy we use in our daily lives. The aborigines of Australia […]

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Facebook keeps crashing my PC! How to fix this problem forever

Facebook may continue to fail your system for all sorts of reasons, including the likes of your PC’s web browser not working properly, your system having some sort of error with its settings, and Windows not being up to date. If you’re experiencing errors with the Facebook website on your PC, you should be able […]

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Man and Environment

About two hundred thousand years (200,000) years ago the first human being stepped on the face of this beautiful planet Earth and since then his rivalry with mother nature has continued. Let’s take a tour from the beginning to the present day and see how the human race has committed violent crimes and atrocities against […]

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Aerial Photography Live Streaming & Drone Filming: Setup & Monetization

Streaming is the method of delivering video or audio content over the Internet. Aerial video live streaming is one of the hottest trends in the sports, events, content creation, and music industry. It is due to the growing popularity of drones and advancements in drone and drone filming technologies. There is a huge demand for […]

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The educational value of crossword puzzles

The educational value of crossword puzzles is evident when considering the multiple learning skills involved in both creating and solving these puzzles. No longer just fun, crossword puzzles have achieved the status of a national pastime in the US and beyond. Its popularity began around the 1920s and continues to grow today. Crossword puzzles, at […]

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