Chinese Restaurant Tea – What teas are served in Chinese restaurants?

Many Americans greatly enjoy the tea served in Chinese restaurants. Because China has a much richer and more active tea culture than the United States, the teas served in Chinese restaurants can tend to be of higher quality than what a typical American is used to drinking. Also, for historical reasons, most of the conventional […]

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The positive effects of reducing violence and bullying by teaching classical yoga

“Jivatam Jyotiretu Vidyam”, “True education (self-knowledge) illuminates human life”, according to Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, founder of the International Neohumanist Education System and Ananda Marga Schools. “If we want to create lasting peace, we must start with children” Mahatma Gandi. There is growing concern across the United States regarding increased child stress, bullying, and violence. […]

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3 fun things to do or see on a visit to north central Washington

North Central Washington has much to offer the many people who travel there every year. For those seeking outdoor recreation, there are lakes, mountains, and desert areas to explore. For those looking for historical or cultural experiences, there are museums, historical sites, and landmarks to see. Travelers who arrive there in search of urban experiences […]

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