5 easy and natural remedies for candidiasis

If you don’t want to use drugs, then natural yeast infection remedies are the way to go. But first let us learn what causes yeast infection.

The yeast species Candida albicans is notorious for those who suffer from yeast infections. It is a type of fungus that lives naturally in our body. Infections break out when there is an overgrowth of these organisms. An infection also occurs if the body’s immune system is weak. If we’re healthy, we usually have enough protection against them but they become opportunistic when your defenses are down.

Statistics show that 3 out of 4 women will get yeast infections in their lifetime. Most of them get vaginal yeast infections. There are conditions that cause the infection, such as:

  • diabetes
  • the pregnancy
  • menstruation
  • overuse of antibiotics or antibiotic therapy
  • steroids
  • birth control pills
  • using showers
  • wearing tight-fitting, non-cotton underwear

Proper identification of symptoms and a doctor’s diagnosis are vital to treating the infection. Sometimes other diseases, such as STDs or bacterial vaginosis, are misdiagnosed by the patient. The patient then proceeds to use remedies to cure the infection that she does not have. This generates frustration and additional expenses, which is what we want to avoid. Before using such remedies, it is recommended that you analyze and examine your condition properly or better yet consult your doctor.

These are the symptoms of yeast infection:

  • severe itching
  • pain, redness, and rashes around the vaginal area
  • burning sensation when urinating
  • pain during sex
  • a thick, white, lumpy, odorless, cottage cheese-like discharge is observed

Although not a permanent solution in treating the infection, these natural yeast infection remedies do provide relief.

natural yogurt
Make sure the yogurt you buy is plain, sugar-free, and has live cultures. Unsweetened is preferred because yeast loves and feeds on sugar.

Yogurt is effective because it contains the “good” bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus. By giving your body a healthy dose of yogurt, the “good” bacteria fight infection and help promote balance in your body. As a bonus, it also aids digestion.

To use yogurt as a remedy against yeast infections, you apply it to the infected area. For vaginal yeast infections, soak a tampon completely in yogurt and insert it into the vagina. Leave it overnight and in the morning, wash and dry it to avoid moisture.

Another remedy I discovered is that adding probiotic tablets to your plain yogurt increases its effectiveness if you are eating it.

Yeast hates garlic. What you can do is buy garlic tablets and insert them into your vagina. You can also insert pure garlic cloves into your vagina. This method gives a calming effect. Eating garlic tablets also helps (not the ones you’ve used before, of course!). Garlic also has health benefits such as lowering bad cholesterol in the body.

Apple cider vinegar
To use apple cider vinegar as a remedy, you must first put hot or lukewarm water in a bathtub. Make sure the water is high enough to fully submerge the area of ​​infection. After that, add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in the vat. Relax in the bath you have created for 30 minutes.

This remedy provides relief throughout the day, but it is not effective in the long term. I would like to point out that if you apply pure apple cider vinegar on the infected part, it stings painfully, so you better think twice before doing so.

tea tree oil
Get a tampon and cover it with KY jelly. Put a few drops of tea tree oil around the tampon and apply it evenly covering the surface. Insert the tampon and let it sit overnight.

Drinking cranberry juice also helps relieve infections. If you don’t like the taste, you can take cranberry tablets instead. Since it is a mild remedy, do not rely solely on it. You can use it to increase the effectiveness of the other remedies.

Striving to treat yourself with natural yeast infection remedies has its benefits. Many patients prefer it because they believe that it does not produce negative long-term effects as long-term use of medications does. However, always remember that even if these remedies work, you should also try to keep your body and immune system healthy to avoid a recurrence of the fungal infection.

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