Are There Any Sugar-Free Options For Your Beef Jerky Subscription?

Are There Any Sugar-Free Options For Your Beef Jerky Subscription?

If you know someone who loves to hit the gym, a beef jerky subscription is a great way for them to stock up on high-protein snacks to help them fuel their workouts.

Plus, you can support small-town artisan jerky masters who put their heart and soul into creating delicious flavors that you won’t find in the grocery store aisle.


Jerky is a staple snack for paleo and keto diets, but can be high in sugar if you’re not careful. Read the ingredients list closely, and keep an eye out for “free sugars,” which include sucrose, dextrose, fructose, agave nectar, honey, maple and molasses syrups, brown sugar, corn syrup and more.

One ounce of regular beef jerky contains around 10 grams of sugar, but many brands cut out the processed sugars and go for natural alternatives. Look for brands that use organic and grass-fed meats, as well as nitrate-free options (like The New Primal, Epic, Field Trip, Wild Zora).

Also, check out the nutrition facts label, which will tell you how much sugar is in a serving. The “Carbohydrates, g of which sugars” figure will give you the breakdown of free sugars vs. sugars from other sources, like milk and fruit. The lower the number is, the better. You can also check for added nitrates and preservatives.


For people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, following a strictly gluten-free diet is essential. This group should read labels carefully, and look for the words “wheat” or “gluten,” especially if they are buying processed foods.

Foods that contain gluten include wheat, rye, barley, triticale and durum wheat. These grains are usually ground into flours or used as starches. Other ingredients that can contain gluten are corn, rice, soy, potato, tapioca and sorghum. Some medications and dietary supplements also use wheat gluten.

While it is becoming easier for people to find gluten-free products, many are still hesitant to buy processed foods that have been labeled as gluten-free because of concerns about nutritional content and health effects. In general, these types of foods can be high in sugar and fat and low in nutrients, making them unhealthy choices for people who are trying to follow a healthy lifestyle. People who choose to eat a gluten-free diet should work with a dietitian to learn more about the proper way to shop, cook and eat.


Whether you’re following a high-protein diet or just aiming to get more protein in your daily meals, these tasty treats will help you reach your goals.

Protein is made up of amino acids—some that the body can make and some it needs to eat. Amino acids perform a number of important tasks, including building muscles, supporting immune health and acting as enzymes, hormones, buffers and transporters.

The classic egg is a popular source of protein—one large egg has 6 grams of this nutrient. But you can also eat protein in the form of meat, fish, beans, nuts, seeds and dairy.

Tofu is another plant-based source of protein that can be fried, stirred into soup or turned into a pudding. It has a meat-like texture and packs 17 grams of protein in 2 ounces. Pistachios and walnuts are both excellent protein sources as well—in fact, they have more than twice the amount of protein as an egg!


Whether you’re looking for an easy way to add protein to brown bag lunches or just want a tasty snack while on the go, there are many options. Jerky from the brand Lorissa’s Kitchen, for example, contains no nitrates or nitrites and uses 100 percent grass-fed beef. This jerky is also resealable and comes in convenient packages that are ideal for on-the-go snacking.

There are also options that take jerky flavoring to the next level with savory flavors like pineapple teriyaki and smoked barbecue, or spicy ones like the Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper on Earth. There are even kosher options, like this one from Vigil’s.

Give your favorite jerky aficionado the gift that keeps on giving with this subscription box that delivers a curated selection of handcrafted, small-batch artisan jerky to their door each month. The gift card that arrives with the shipment gives them all the details of their monthly deliveries, including a full-color card that can be personalized with a message.

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