Asbestos is still a problem

Beginning in the 1800s, asbestos was widely used in the manufacturing and construction industries due to a variety of desirable attributes. The product offered a number of advantages and very few initial drawbacks. For a young United States just awakening to its industrial and commercial potential, asbestos offered solutions to a number of problems. Unfortunately, as is now well known, this substance would be revealed to be both dangerous and useful. Exposure to asbestos can cause very serious and often fatal health problems. It has become almost consistent with toxicity. While steps have been taken to lessen this danger for current and future generations, asbestos is not strictly a topic for the history books. It can still be found on select buildings or products. Rarely a month goes by without it being in the news, usually in the context of a lawsuit.

Initially, asbestos seemed like a godsend. As a product, it is strong, durable and not easily flammable. At a time when fire was still one of the biggest threats to a city, asbestos could serve as flameproof insulation for massive construction projects. It also exhibits desirable effects in deadening sound and maintaining wall-to-wall temperature. Beyond buildings, asbestos has also been used extensively in equipment manufacturing, shipbuilding, and even in the automotive industry. Its use had not even begun to decline until the negative health effects of exposure became much clearer during the 1970s.

It would not be until the second half of the 20th century that the great disadvantage of asbestos was discovered. Mesothelioma is a rare but extremely dangerous form of cancer that has been linked to inhalation of asbestos. In fact, it is quite rare (but not necessarily impossible) to get the disease without prolonged exposure to asbestos-related products. Despite the range of treatments available, the prognosis for mesothelioma patients is not particularly good. The early stages of mesothelioma are possibly curable if caught early, but the later stages are still considered a death sentence. Due to the difficulties involved in detecting the disease, it does not always present itself until the later stages.

So knowing now what we didn’t know then, asbestos has been eradicated from our homes and workplaces, right? The answer to that question would be no. Despite the danger it presents, asbestos is not strictly a problem of the past. While most countries, including the United States, have passed bills limiting or banning its future use, it is still found in numerous builds that took place before any regulation. It simply isn’t feasible or practical to go through every structure with a fine-toothed comb for the substance that causes the cancer. And truth be told, if it’s contained properly and not exposed to ventilation systems, the amount of danger present is somewhat reduced. However, whenever previously unexposed areas of a building are renovated or opened; great care must be taken to ensure that asbestos is not a potential factor for workers or future inhabitants. In the event that asbestos is a problem, there are a variety of agencies and/or companies that can help with the problem.

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