Analysis-based reliability and maintenance

In the world of bottleneck competition, asset-sensitive industries give top priority to asset management. The main objective of the industries is to achieve the lowest life cycle cost and provide the best services or meet production targets. Asset management is primarily based on the collection of asset information such as asset location, specific maintenance details, […]

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Diet for diabetes, what are the 10 best fruits and vegetables for diabetic patients

This is the question that my diabetic patients always ask themselves. We hope this article will improve your knowledge of diet for a diabetic patient. AVOID THESE FOODS If you are a diabetic patient, try to avoid the following list of foods. 1-Sugar, artificial sweeteners and honey. However, you can take sweetener like stevia. It […]

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The relationship between insurance and finance

Insurance and finance are closely intertwined business fields, not least because they both involve money. They also often involve speculation and risk, and often where one goes, the other follows. Take real estate investing, for example, it involves a large amount of capital investment, quickly followed by insurance to protect the capital investment. It would […]

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