BodHD – What is it?

BodHD was established in Vista, California in March 2011 and is listed as a multi-level marketing company whose mission is to provide a package of health and wellness products that reportedly have a very high essential delivery system that is expected that maximizes the absorption of the vitamins, nutrients and essentials that its products contain.

Let’s review the BodHD products of which there are four.

1. BLD adds enzymes back to your meals.

BodHD BLD is a whole food based digestive formula, offering a blend of 12 vegetarian enzymes and four stabilized probiotic strains combined in one product. When taken with meals, BodHD BLD releases vital nutrients and optimizes their uptake into usable energy to help restore and repair your body at the cellular level, now allowing you to start looking and feeling better every day and more than ever before. .

2. DAILY – High Definition Multivitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants

According to BodHD, not all multivitamins are created equal, except for their DAILY vitamin supplement, which they rate as Superior to multivitamin brands on the market today. BodHD claims that its DAILY product provides the powerful benefits of 4 multi-nutritional products in 1 advanced formulation: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and superfoods, while most other brands offer unnecessary fillers as well as the bare minimum of what every person needs. day to stay healthy.

3. RADIANT – Beauty from the inside out

RADIANT is the third product offered by BodHD and is said to be an essential nutrient that the body needs on the inside to make you look eternal on the outside no matter your age. For age-defying skin, nails and hair, it takes more than just a vitamin-enriched cream or other topical products to keep you looking young and beautiful, BodHD says it’s their RADIANT product.

4. P3: A premiere recovery product from BodHD.

Remember the days of your crazy youth when you were saying goodbye to the boys and the next day you wished the room would stop spinning and you still had to get up and go to work with a head that felt like it was the size of a ball. beach? Well, according to BodHD, their product called P3 is supposed to be your savior.

Ongoing studies on the patented natural extract of the nopal fruit and its miraculous benefits are still ongoing, but several clinical trials have shown that the extract of the nopal fruit is extremely effective in reducing and preventing hangover symptoms when taken before drinking So if you still feel like having a few drinks over your limit while out with the guys (or your partner), make sure you have some P3 in your stomach before you start your night of drinking.

How to make money with BodHD.

There are four (4) starter product packages you can choose from if you decide to become a BodHD Associate and participate in their compensation plan. These packages range from $85.00 to $490.00. You can join BodHD for free if you want and they will even keep your position in the downline of your sponsors, giving you time to decide if you want to become a BodHD Associate or not.

You earn money at BodHD by receiving a commission for retailing your products, a commission-based matrix system and a global revenue sharing system, and participation in their Fast Start Bonus program. But, to participate in the compensation plan, you must maintain one of two (2) monthly autoship packages, one of which is priced at $35.00 and the other is priced at $100.00.

BodHD – My Thoughts

BodHD, as you just read, is a nutrition-based multi-level marketing company. To the best of my knowledge and research, there are far more nutritional MLM companies than any other type of niche. It is a very competitive sector of the market and difficult to survive because it is very difficult to separate from the competition. I don’t know if these BodHD products are better than what is already out there, only time will tell us the answer to that question.

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