Can’t seem to apply the law of attraction? How to remove your limiting beliefs using Ho’oponopono

There is no question, the Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe and if used correctly it can absolutely transform your life. However, many (if not most) people have trouble applying the law in their lives. Generally speaking, people often experience lackluster results, especially when they begin to understand the Law of Attraction. This article will show you how to remove any ‘limiting beliefs’ that are holding you back so you can supercharge your results in every area of ​​your life.

To understand how your beliefs affect your ability to manifest your desires, you must first understand exactly “what” beliefs are. Simply put, beliefs are just thoughts that you constantly think. For example, a thought of ‘I am a victim of circumstance’ will always attract more similar thoughts to you. Remember, the Law of Attraction says that ‘like attracts like’. These thoughts will soon bring physical manifestations into your life, thus confirming your so-called ‘beliefs’. The reason most people are not financially successful is simply because they adopted their beliefs about money from people who are not! If you want to be successful in any area of ​​your life, embrace the beliefs of people you DO admire.

The problem is that you can’t just “choose” new beliefs, as they are often well established. Your conscious mind cannot print ‘new’ beliefs into your subconscious brain at your choosing. However, there is an amazing way to get around this problem, known as Ho’oponopono. As crazy as it sounds, this ancient Hawaiian technique will completely transform your ability to create the life you want.

To clear your negative and limiting beliefs, I urge you to take out a piece of paper. Start by writing down all of your beliefs regarding an area of ​​your life that you want to improve. If money is a concern, you can write, “money is hard to come by,” etc. You should list your beliefs in any area you want to improve. However, I would highly recommend including beliefs that revolve around your ‘power to create your life’. This is simply because many people believe that they are victims of circumstance or that perhaps they can influence their lives only modestly. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Unless you believe you are 100% in control of how your life unfolds, you definitely need to let go of some old beliefs.

Now that you have your list of limiting beliefs, read through the list and see how each of these beliefs has created your current life to date. So I would suggest debunking each one by stating that it is just a ‘belief’ and that you are now about to choose the ones that serve you best. After completing this, reread each belief individually and then repeat the following:

“I’m sorry”
“I love you”
“Thank you”
“Please forgive me”

Repeat these sentences for each limiting belief you listed. Once this is complete you can choose new beliefs. As the saying goes, “Out with the old and in with the new!”

To record the subconscious mind, where most of your drawing power is located, the following technique works wonders. First, spend 5-10 minutes meditating. In case you have never meditated before, just sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath in and out. The key is to try to focus on ‘nothing’. So when thoughts pop into your head, just calmly ‘push them aside’ without thinking about them too much. Once you have completed your meditation summary, keep your eyes closed and silently state your ‘new’ beliefs. These are best prepared in advance and should include empowering statements. For example, “I am in complete control of my life,” or perhaps, “Money comes easily and frequently.”

I suggest doing this daily as this will further cement these new beliefs! However, if you find yourself falling back into your old ways of thinking, I recommend that you repeat the four Ho’oponopono phrases and then remind yourself of your NEW beliefs.

By removing your limiting beliefs, your life will improve dramatically. By choosing new beliefs that serve you, you can stop sabotaging your own results and live the life you deserve. So, what are you waiting for?

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