What makes a car ANCAP rated?

The Australasia New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) is the leading independent organization informing the public about the results of benchmarking different car models based on their safety and security features. As an independent body, ANCAP is supported by the Australian and New Zealand government, the FIA ​​Foundation, NRMA Insurance, the Victoria Transport Accident Commission and […]

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The best hybrid cars

The BMW 5 Series was the first model to introduce the controversial ‘flame’ design that divided opinion. We’ve always been fans though, so we were eager to see if the latest design would hit the mark as well. We think BMW has done it right again with a dynamic and thoroughly contemporary design that keeps […]

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Cars, exotic or erotic?

Unless you live in a third world country or under a rock, everyone knows what a car is. By definition, a car is a road vehicle, usually with four wheels, powered by an external combustion engine and capable of transporting a small number of people. That’s the definition, but as people, we define cars differently. […]

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Please say no to emojis! These apps corrupt Ford Sync system!

Using emoticons on your smartphone can cause serious problems with the speech-to-text functions of the Ford Sync system. This self-help article reveals ways to correct these problems. Since late 2012, there have been numerous problems with the iPhone 5, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S, as well as the Samsung Galaxy, HTC Evo, and other smartphones […]

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Lemon Laws and Your Dodge 6.7L Cummins Diesel Vehicle

Several Dodge truck owners are aggravated by frequent mechanical problems related to the new technology used in these vehicles. Vehicles affected include Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins 6.7 diesel trucks for 2007 through 2010 and Dodge Ram 3500 Cummins 6.7 diesel trucks for the same years. Several product defect law firms have received requests from owners […]

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