The night the bed almost fell (with apologies to James Thurber)

My grandmother lived in one of those white shotgun houses designed to catch the slightest breeze during the endless hot and humid South Carolina summers. I lived with my uncle, my aunt and my cousins, who built the house over the years. A screened back porch wrapped around the kitchen and back bedroom. That porch […]

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How do you know if this is the RIGHT home for you?

The typical home buying process is often time consuming and perhaps not the most effective and efficient approach and / or method. Wouldn’t it make sense for qualified potential home buyers to fully consider and understand their needs, goals, preferences and priorities, and effectively use their time and energy, to focus on finding the right […]

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Restaurant Marketing – The Boy Effect – How To Get Your Customers To Come To You

Growing up in South Africa, there were many reasons to get excited. There were all the usual highlights that very young children should always look forward to, such as Christmas, Easter, birthdays, losing their “baby” teeth, and scheming with their 4-year-old sister to stay up and raid the tooth fairy when she got to. give […]

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Red, white and blue stone

Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, the United States of America declared its independence. Interestingly, one of the largest battles of the American Revolution, the Battle of Brooklyn, took place at a historic site now known as the Old Stone House. Given the stone’s reputation for strength and solidity, it is not surprising that a […]

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