Unusual but fabulous beauty tips straight from your kitchen!

Here are some beauty tips and tricks that are unusual but extremely effective. Many of these involve common household items that you will find in your pantry or refrigerator, making it an inexpensive alternative for taking care of your hair and skin. Oils Olive oil has many proven health benefits, but it can be very […]

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The natural look of slate kitchen countertops

Slate is a fine-grained metamorphic rock that is derived from clay and fine silt sediments. The action of intense heat and pressure transforms the original clay into new minerals such as mica, chlorite and quartz. These natural processes transform clay into slate. Slates generally can vary in composition, structure, and durability because alteration of minerals […]

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How To Incorporate The Latest Design Trends Into Your Kitchen Cabinet Siding Project

You can update your kitchen incorporating new kitchen design trends by updating your existing kitchen cabinets. You may want to update your kitchen because prospective buyers will be willing to pay more for an attractive and functional modern kitchen. But a complete kitchen redesign can cost tens of thousands of dollars and take months to […]

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Lavish waterfall-like countertops make an essential difference in the kitchen environment

Made of metal, wood, tile or marble and in various shapes and designs, kitchen countertops and islands set the stage for work and social gatherings. Would you rather they be granite or marble, travertine, limestone or slate? Why not the quartzite? The hard metamorphic rock known as quartzite began life as sandstone. Intense heat and […]

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