Management communication and the “need to know” myth

Is your management team one secret handshake away from becoming a street gang? Does the phrase “need to know” appear regularly in your communication plan? When faced with a major challenge or decision, top management often huddles behind closed doors, waiting days and sometimes months before admitting that change is coming. The law of unintended […]

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A civil attorney can help you overcome issues related to civil law violations

Human and civil rights violations often occur in various parts of the world. The other day I read a newspaper where it was mentioned that a young man of 23 years committed suicide because of the discriminatory behavior that he was having in his labor organization in New York City. Discrimination of any kind or […]

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Leadership Secrets for Execution: People, Strategy, and Operations

Are you working in an organization that values ​​execution from leaders at all levels? Are leaders in your organization slowly focusing on achieving meaningful results? One of the most powerful questions one can ask in the present moment is Are we honestly exposing the realities of the business? Extraordinary leaders execute and hold people accountable […]

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Do corporations appearing in court in North Carolina have to appear through an attorney?

Operating a business as a corporation, including an LLC (limited liability company) or PLLC, or as a partnership, has many advantages in North Carolina, including limiting the liability of business owners. However, there are some disadvantages to operating a business as a corporation (as opposed to a sole proprietorship). One is that in North Carolina […]

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Hiring an Employment Law Attorney: 8 Topics to Raise (or Not) at Your First Meeting

Most people will spend a third of their lives sleeping. Similarly, incredible as it may seem, another third will be spent at work. Unpleasant, but true: For most of us, a third of our adult lives will be spent furthering our employer’s goals, which may or may not align with our own personal goals. In […]

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