Lawyers – Generate a Million Dollars in Extra Income for your Law Firm

Today’s attorney is so focused on getting the message across that he will persuade the potential client to call the firm; the lawyer doesn’t look inside to see if a change in the thought process, management, or product delivery can create new clients. From someone who spends a lot on marketing, I’ve become an expert […]

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Visas for Chile

It is relatively easy to obtain a visa for Chile that suits various purposes of an immigrant’s stay. For example, to obtain a residence visa and a work permit, all you need is an employment contract from almost any local company, and you are entitled to what is called a “contract-based” visa. After the second […]

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Are you entitled to a law enforcement officer’s retirement?

The topic of law enforcement officer (LEO) retirement is on the minds of many federal employees when they make decisions about planning and timing their retirement. Federal employees pay their retirement through deductions from their paychecks. LEOs are entitled to more money in their pensions and pay additional paycheck deductions to earn that right. A […]

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Cheers to the new high school principal – here’s your first big headache

When you read any published article or book for school administrators, you can usually tell after the first paragraph if the person writing is a writer on Educational Leadership or someone who has actually been in the role of principal. Writers often write wonderful things about how the principal is “the educational leader of the […]

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