Hyderabad Paan Shops for Meetha, Saada or Maghai – Food in Hyderabad

Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan may have immortalized Benarasi Paan, but this palate cleanser and mouth freshener has always been an inherent part of the city’s culinary temptations. It is also said that the Seventh Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was very fond of the paandaan, a coffin used to store these betel leaves. It’s […]

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The history and culture of stretched ears

People have been decorating and making changes to the appearance of their bodies since recorded history began. This has taken many forms over the centuries such as tattoos, piercings, lifts, scars, markings, muscle sculpting, hair styling and many more and for almost as many different reasons. Historically, the three main purposes of these forms of […]

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Candida Cleanse – The Natural Approach to Yeast Infection Treatment

If you, like most people, are trying to cut down on the number of antibiotics you take each year as well as the amount of money you spend on doctors each year, you may want to try a natural cure for your recurring yeast infections. There are tons of herbs and essential oils that effectively […]

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Are you looking for some acid reflux diet recipes?

A burning sensation in the chest caused by indigestion is called acid reflux. It is usually centered in the middle of the chest and is therefore also known as heartburn. The most serious and chronic form of acid reflux is called GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is usually misunderstood as heartburn. While one can […]

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The hormone epinephrine and its role in weight loss and muscle gain

For people interested in implementing a weight loss strategy that works and looking to learn how to gain muscle and lose fat, there are many solutions available. But that is not all. One major problem, however, is that excellent marketing by some very smart business people makes removing clutter quite a challenge. The desire to […]

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