Save taxes when selling a dental practice with a Section 1031 exchange

A dental practice is sold for a variety of reasons: retirement, moving to another city, or even health concerns. Regardless of the reason, it is critical to consider the tax ramifications of the sale. Depending on the type of assets sold, the seller may pay federal and state taxes of up to 40% of the […]

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Can I represent myself against foreclosure fraud? Yes, it’s called Pro Se: "Myself"

“DON’T FIGHT AGAINST THE PROBLEM… DECIDE IT” “George C Marshall” Nearly every borrower who contacted me about an upcoming or completed foreclosure believed it was imperative that they find an attorney to represent them in a foreclosure court action. For three years I believed the same thing. Many judges will suggest it so strongly that […]

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If you text someone while driving, you could be liable. Do you need a general insurance policy?

There was a rather concerning case in NJ where a person was texting another person who was driving a car. The person who sent the text knew that she was driving, but she sent it anyway: the person who received the text was looking at that text when she hit a pedestrian, oops! There was […]

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Symptoms of fraud

Fraud Symptom Categories 1. Internal control problems – material weakness The first thing to remember when looking at internal controls is the fraud triangle. Without the three elements of opportunity, pressure and rationalization, fraud is less likely to occur. By creating controls that prevent these elements or detect them in a timely manner after they […]

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