Discovering the connection between weight and lifestyle

Why do some people have a harder time losing weight than others?

Some people have a really low metabolism due to innate genetic conditions. Others develop hormonal imbalance disorders like hypothyroidism later in life, which can also make losing weight nearly impossible without proper treatment.

However, the most common cause of delayed weight loss is lifestyle choices.

If you’re already dieting and exercising and still not seeing any progress, it’s time to take a lifestyle review to see if you have any “weight loss traps” holding you back.

What Are “Weight Loss Traps”?

Weight-loss pitfalls are habits, beliefs, and general lifestyle factors that can slow down your weight loss progress. To say that you only need diet and exercise to lose weight is an oversimplification. There are many other factors that affect a person’s weight.

Factor # 1: Daily Routines

How do our daily routines affect weight loss?

Daily routines have a definite impact on the weight loss process. If people evaluated their main routines at home or at work, they would immediately see why they are not losing weight.

If you eat cheeseburgers or tacos for lunch and skip breakfast most days, your metabolism is probably very low and your body is not burning calories at an optimal level.

Bad eating habits often have precedents. For example, if a person does not have time in the morning to prepare breakfast, they are likely to often sleep in late and wake up in the morning with only a few minutes to shower and get dressed for work.

It is important that you slowly change your daily routines to accommodate your new lifestyle requirements. Otherwise, your body will not be able to eliminate fat efficiently.

Factor # 2: stress levels

How stressed are you most days?

If you answered “very stressed” or “extremely stressed,” your stress level may also be preventing you from losing weight.

In addition to the mental strain that stress creates, physiological stress also affects cardiorespiratory efficiency, nerve health, and even digestive health. In short, when you are mentally stressed, your body (including your vital organs) is also stressed.

In this situation, the only viable option is stress management.

There are many techniques available for stress management, from meditation to massage therapy. Some people like to play subliminal recordings with ambient sounds to relieve stress. Explore your options and see which technique will be the most beneficial to you.

Factor # 3: Sleep quality

Sleep is the only time when the body can begin to renew and repair itself. When you’re actively losing extra weight, your body needs even more sleep so your muscles and organs can repair and reconfigure themselves to function more efficiently.

What happens when you don’t get enough sleep at night?

Lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep can affect your ability to exercise. Your metabolism is also slower and the digestion and absorption of nutrients also slows down.

Getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night can also cause physical stress, further reducing your metabolic efficiency. In short, if you want to get rid of those extra inches, you have to give your “fat burning machine” the rest it needs.

How can you sleep better at night?

No gadgets – If you go to sleep, leave your tablet and smartphone on the nightstand or even further away. Watching TV is also a bad idea, as it makes your mind more active, making it difficult to sleep.

Aromatherapy – Starting with the ability to relax your mind and body, aromatherapy can greatly improve your sleep habits. Sleeping, staying asleep, the quality of sleep you’re getting, and the ability to wake up refreshed are all quality sleep habits that aromatherapy can help you with.

Lights off – Current research shows that having even a small amount of light during bedtime can affect the quality of your sleep. We seem to instinctively associate any form of light with sunlight, and therefore with wakefulness.

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