Do subliminal messages work just because mind over matter really works?

Of course, you must first accept that in any case you can exploit mind over matter.

It is quite clear that subliminal messaging really works, given that during the 1970s there was a huge outcry against it and its use in advertising was prohibited by law in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, on the grounds that Consumers can be tricked into buying something they don’t really need or want.

It has been shown, through quite serious academic research on the subject, that the use of subliminal techniques CAN only have an effect when the User has established their own clearly defined goals for the process.

On the other hand, there are some seemingly confusing research studies, which show that subliminal techniques are completely useless. The “negative” results came from studies that were quite specific in nature – they were set so that the audience was NOT aware of the subliminal content they were subjected to, at all.

All research clearly showed that subliminal messaging only works in the following circumstances:

  • The person to whom they are addressed must KNOW that they are going to receive them!
  • The purpose of subliminal messaging must have been clearly determined prior to use.
  • the message must be experienced many times over a fairly concentrated period of time

To put it another way completely; being exposed to periodic subliminal advertising may have almost no measurable effect, except that the law may have a say in two or three countries! Virtually all commenters have pointed to the irrefutable fact that most, if not all, advertisers using these techniques did so just to attract more column inches for their ads. when his “subterfuge” leaked into the public domain. Everyone knows that this use of subliminal messages is completely useless!

Also from an individual perspective, you will be wasting your time approaching these powerful techniques with a “well it might work for me, but I don’t think so” mentality. You have to be prepared to dive in or it just won’t work. Buying into the use of subliminal messaging and then not taking advantage of it often happens because there was no real commitment in the first place.

So by now you will have figured out that you have to repeatedly expose yourself to the messages and you have planned to do so; If you do it with the right approach, you will be amazed at the results. The subliminal directions will be inserted into your subconscious, WITH your full approval, and little by little you will see and feel the changes you want.

The key is to always have a constructive approach, including goal setting and a clear determination to get to the top of your particular mountain. You are the only one who can pursue success or failure – your decision.

If you have a very clear goal, but are really concerned about achieving something based on your past experiences, then you need to understand why. Do you lack confidence in yourself? Do you feel that you lack determination? In these circumstances, it is definitely worth trying a Mind over Matter method to change our view of ourselves. Simple and straightforward.

Make me absolutely brutally clear; If you really want to change something about yourself, be it your size, your shape, your way of thinking or your confidence levels, then Subliminal Messages will work if you approach their use in the right way.

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