Do you believe in multitasking?

There are some facts about multitasking that have been proven by science. Once you see the facts, you will realize that you need to stop multitasking now if you really want to increase not only your productivity but also the quality of your work.

Brain division

When we try to do more than one task at a time, we don’t really focus on the tasks very well. In fact, we focus half on one and half on the other. Remember that switching between tasks is not multitasking, it is a change. Then when you switch back, you’ll have to take the time again to get back on track with what you were doing at the beginning.


There is an exception to the above and it comes with the development of habits. A good example is driving. When you first start driving, you have difficulty driving, working the brake, throttle, and paying attention. But, after a while, as you gain experience, you don’t even remember the drive home from work. This is because driving becomes a habit.

Context switch

Forcing your brain to switch from one thing to another that is in a totally different context is actually very exhausting. It can increase stress and confusion. If you’ve ever met a “absent-minded professor“Kind of person, it will seem like their lights are off when you ask them a question. But really, they’re just trying to change the context in their brain.

Short-term memory problems

Scientists at the University of Michigan and the University of California agree that multitasking can also stress the brain so much that it can cause short-term memory problems. If you can’t remember things and you have major problems that are forgotten, consider whether you are biting off more than you can chew and trying to do too much at once.

There is no good multitasking

Researchers from the National Academy of Sciences (NASS) conducted studies that showed that even people who think they are “good” at multitasking, and do it every day, are bad at it. Not only that, people who actually multitask more are reducing their productivity by about 50% by continuing to multitask.

People who think they are bad at multitasking try to avoid it, but people who think they are good at it consider it a skill. One, ironically, at which they are not really good.

Children do poorly on homework while watching television

Homework, study and television do not go hand in hand. In fact, anyone (including students) should find ways to focus 100% on whatever they want to learn and retain. Doing so while watching TV, texting, and doing other things costs students a lot in terms of understanding the subject and performing on tests.

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