Eight Common Misconceptions About Palliative Care

Although the word hospice is typically associated with end-of-life care, there are many misconceptions about what these services entail. Here are eight incorrect assumptions about palliative care that can help you understand the benefits of hospice care.

1. Hospice is only for dying patients.
Many people fear that accepting hospice is the same as “giving up.” In fact, palliative care is appropriate for anyone with a chronic illness or injury that limits their ability. Hospice providers are trained to help these people live their lives to the fullest, with the greatest comfort possible, regardless of how long they have left.

2. Hospice requires you to leave your home.
In fact, palliative care can be provided in a variety of settings, including at the person’s bedside at home. While some hospice services are based in a hospital or nursing home, you don’t have to be in one of those locations to enroll in hospice. In fact, the American Hospice Organization estimates that up to 70 percent of hospice patients receive care at home.

3. Hospice means the end of traditional medical care.
While it is true that palliative care focuses on comfort care, that does not necessarily mean that other treatments are stopped. Hospice providers work hand-in-hand with existing medical teams to identify solutions that put the patient and their family at the center of care. If you have a doctor you trust, he or she will continue to be involved in your care if you enter hospice.

4. Hospice is limited to a period of six months.
While Medicare generally approves hospice care in two 90-day increments, that doesn’t mean you can’t get hospice care when that period ends. In fact, if your doctor recommends hospice, the recommendation may be for an indeterminate period of time. Some people even stop receiving hospice care and return later as needed.

5. Hospice patients are sedated with pain relievers.
Although palliative care patients receive pain control, it is not limited to prescription drugs. Caregivers incorporate a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual methods to keep patients comfortable, including but not limited to yoga and other relaxation methods, art or music therapy, counseling, group support, and occupational or physical therapy.

6. Hospice is for cancer patients only.
While many cancer patients receive palliative care, it is also common for those with HIV or AIDS, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, neuromuscular disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. In fact, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization estimates that up to 50 percent of hospice patients have a diagnosis other than cancer or AIDS.

7. Hospice is not affordable for most people.
In fact, this type of care is covered by Medicare, as well as by many private insurance companies and Medicaid.

8. People in hospice can no longer be cared for by family members.
In contrast, hospice providers welcome the participation of their loved ones and are available 24 hours a day to assist family caregivers. In addition, a large part of this type of care consists of providing grief counseling and support to the family members of the patient receiving palliative care.

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