Explore the Sierra and the Valley

September 27, 2010

Waking up this morning to the crisp, thin air that fills the Valle de la Sierra. Our apartment is surrounded by pine clad mountains, with exposed deep gray granite for a sexy look. A strong but elegant lady. She has survived centuries of dangerous weather. Adorning a layer of fluffy fresh snow, then sometimes covered in nothing that exposes the beauty of it.

A deep blue lake crowns her daywear and complements her beauty. At night, she wears a sparkling diamond crown that is enhanced by the clean, clear skies filled with the moon above her. A soft morning breeze dances gently and gracefully around her, warming the weather to eighty degrees, though the nights are cool and remind the visitor that the weather could change with the fall of her crown.

Our apartment has a view of the gondola that will escort you by the muscular figure of the lady up to a level of nine thousand feet. Halfway past her is a view of the entire valley providing the viewer with the true beauty of this habitat once occupied by Native Americans who understood that she may appear muscular, but she was also fragile if handled. incorrectly, after all she is a lady

It provided both Native Americans and creatures large and small with the nourishment for a resilient existence along with protection from the harsh environment, when needed. She cradled them in her arms like a loving mother.

Creatures of heaven or earth, large, medium and small in stature, who roamed around her surroundings trying to protect her from those with white skin, those who stripped her and violated all her natural clothing, her wealth. She and her loved ones fought back by taking the ability of existence from her body and escorting her soul to Hell. She and hers loved ones fought to her own defeat allowing these white skinned individuals to strip her naked to fulfill her greed. Do not replenish the natural resources of it. Killing the habitat that would house both the creature and the Native Americans.

Generations would pass without understanding the elegance and beauty of this lady. Unprotected by the creatures that should exist in his home. She couldn’t keep them, creatures or Native Americans.

Silently, the Native American pointed out to those who would listen to the benefit of her clothing, providing her crown jewels. Her establishing all that she once covered in elegance. She would be allowed to give back not only to the creatures, the Native Americans, but also to white-skinned people. And she has, allowing them to establish means to feed her greed. Weakening of the muscular body areas of it. Weakened but not defeated.

She whispers to me that there will be a day when she and those she invites back into her care will take away all greed from the white-skinned. She will destroy her means that feed her greed. She whispers softly in my ear that she has joined forces with all who make up the lands of this country. Together they will expel those who have violated their dignity. You are uniting not only with this country but with all countries and all the forces of nature. Earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, rains and more natural forces train to destroy everything that the white-skinned have built. They demonstrated their power during training exercises. They have indicated the power and forces that will one day be produced by humiliating those who continue to dispossess them. Those who suck the life not only from this environment, but also from the depths of their souls and from the surroundings of this world.

She whispers these warnings and these truths softly in my ear along with those who have loved her since birth. She tells us that she is our mother who will one day provide only for those who love her. Until that day, she enjoys her beauty, she learns her secrets, her resources so we can return to her protection when the time comes.

September 28, 2010

Beneath the base of the Sierra, rising above the floor of Carson Valley, located along the base of the tower on Highway 206, is the oldest city in Nevada, established in 1851. This city is also home to the oldest bar in Nevada, established in 1853. The exterior hasn’t changed for over 150 years, neither has the interior, it still has the original cobwebs.

Imagine being transported back to 1853 and being a regular customer of this fine establishment. You would sit at one of the tables or stand at the bar to argue with the bartender. You are smoking a fine cigar and drinking a tall beer or glass of wine. Their conversation is interrupted by a tall gentleman, dressed in a white tracksuit, complete with a vest that houses a watch on a gold chain. His curly dark hair and dark mustache on his upper lip complement his facial features. He too is smoking a cigar and exhales a sweet smell of smoke that swirls around his head as he walks through the open door.

The bartender places a shot of whiskey and a mug of beer on the bar, for this gentleman, without even being instructed on the type of drink he would prefer.

“Good morning, Mr. Clemens,” greets the bartender.

The bar introduces him to Mr. Samuel Clemens, a reporter for the Territorial Enterprise. You extend your hand and he takes a firm hold of yours and shakes your hand in a strong, firm and confident movement. He smiles, quickly downing his shot of whiskey, following it up with a long pull from his mug of beer.

Nice to meet you sir. You will find these parts respectable and if you decide to settle here, there is no better place to raise excellent quality beef.

You inform him that your destination will be Virginia City, which your employer has assigned you as manager of a silver mine in those hills. That he will send funds to his family in San Francisco once he settles into the company house.

“How long have you been here in Genoa, sir?” says Mr. Clemens.

“Two weeks, taking a bit of time before launching into the task of managing the mine, Mr. Clemens,” he replies.

“So, you’ve heard of the culture and the kind of people that reside in Virginia City. You must know full well that Virginia City can lean on the tough side of a family that’s used to the kind of in-bounds lifestyle.” of a city like San Francisco?” United Mr. Clemens.

“Sir, I am well aware that Virginia City is modeled after all other mining towns and that the miners in those towns can put a sailor to shame. But in the times of this economy that this country is experiencing, one is lucky to be employed in everything, yet having the luxury of choosing the environment in which one is employed and works. My wife and I have had experience with such cities, our son was conceived and born in that city before moving to San Francisco.” .

“Very well then, sir, we will meet in Virginia City, for I have accepted an editor’s position in that city.”

Mr. Clemens swallows his last volume of beer and we shake hands. He starts clicking his leather-soled shoes on the wooden planks as he walks through the doors.

You smile widely knowing that you have just socialized with a man who would somehow make quite an impression on those he comes in contact with. Knowing that you have just made a friend with whom you will share many good conversations in Virginia City.

Taking a look around this charming establishment allows you to take in the many images, erotic in nature and composition, and smile to know that the local thirst establishments of Virginia cities must be decked out in the same fine decor.

You look into the diamond mirror mounted behind the bar and catch a glimpse of a gentleman coming in behind you through the same doors you entered yourself. This gentleman strikes a note of familiarity in his memory, a note that causes him to turn rapidly, giving him the advantage of full view.

President Ulysses S. Grant has just walked in, walked up to the bar, and ordered the same drinks Mr. Clemens had. Bar Keep serves him stuttering acknowledging him to the President. The president is accompanied by four northern military soldiers, standing at the front and back entrances.

As you are transported through the history calendar, you will see patrons of this establishment such as Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, Carol Lombard, Clark Gable, Lauren Bacall, Richard Boone, Ronnie Howard, Red Skelton, Cliff Robertson and all the governors of the state of Nevada. . Many of these people joined in on the poker games that were going on during their visit.

John Wayne, Walter Mathau and Joe Don Baker, Clint Eastwood, James Cann, Kathy Bates, Rob Rainer, Richard Farnsworth and Ann Margaret have sponsored this old lady.

No bar is complete without her music and she was equipped with her piano and the various musicians that caressed her ivory and ebony keys. Her musical notes were accompanied by Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Silm Pickens, John Denver and Captain and Tennille. Singing and playing at their best while downing the best of the booze, and encouraged by the locals to keep going, but never so pressured that these people didn’t get some much needed relaxing social time.

This bar has experienced such lively entertainment and brought out the best in itself, that women wanted to be commemorated. The ladies stood up, removed their “shirts” or blouses and bras, passing the bras around, and everyone signed that it would be hung from the antlers of the deer head mounted on the wall. There has also been the entertainment of Ms Raquel Welch, after some lively encouragement she agreed to take part in the commemoration of her time spent at the bar. But first, the agreement was that all of her other bras had to be removed from her and only hers would be hung on the deer antlers. To this day, the deer grins from ear to ear and Mrs. Welch’s leopard bra hangs from her left antler.

Genoa Bar will bring a smile to your face even without the consumption of alcohol.

Travel east from Genoa to Highway 88, turn south following this road through Hope Valley. If you’re visiting from late September through November, you’ll have the opportunity to take pictures of the changing seasons. Junctions 88 and 89 have a bridge spanning the Carson River and wide open plains surrounded by pine-covered mountains. All Mother Natures formalwear is on display here. She will perform a personal runway of her various designer clothes for you.

October 2, 2010

Exploring the area, whether by car, on foot, or a combination of both, you’ll find plenty of vantage points to look out over thirty miles above the Carson Valley or over the lake that fills the bowl created by the surrounding mountains.

There are three fire lookouts within the Tahoe Basin area that will provide you with these types of vantage points.

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