get rid of ovarian cysts

The formation of cysts on the surface of the ovary is not a rare event, in fact, many women can have ovarian cysts and not have any symptoms as a result. The accumulation of ovarian cysts is a consequence of anovulatory cycles. Whenever the follicle does not grow enough at ovulation and therefore cannot produce the egg, a small cyst develops. This is a functional cyst that continues to grow under the action of the female hormones estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during the first half of the menstrual cycle. When the ovary secretes progesterone during the second half of the cycle, the cyst eventually shrinks and disappears on its own. This type of process can be repeated the following month and a new cyst can form or the old one continues to grow.

As the cysts continue to grow, the woman experiences pain during ovulation. Some women tend to continuously produce many small cysts inside their ovaries and suffer from high FSH levels and low progesterone levels. They suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. The main problem with this condition is the inability to conceive and other unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain, mood swings, abnormal blood sugar levels, and hirsutism.

A drug free approach to this problem is always recommended, especially if a woman is trying to conceive. In many cases, a natural healing method can even prevent surgery.

What not all women know is that the main cause of ovarian cyst formation is due to hormonal imbalance caused by environmental agents called xenoestrogens.

High amounts of estrogen can affect hormonal imbalance leading to dysfunctional ovulation patterns and the formation of ovarian cysts.

Let’s learn more about the things every woman can do to avoid excess estrogen:

1. Soyfoods contain phytoestrogens that increase estrogen in the body. The only recommended type of soy products are those that are fermented.

2. Many commercially bred animals are fed hormones to grow faster and bigger. When a woman consumes these meats or dairy products that contain high levels of hormones, she will increase her chances of developing ovarian cysts.

3. Some xenoestrogens are also present in plastic containers that emit a very potent compound that has an estrogenic effect within the body when heated. Therefore, it is recommended not to heat food in a microwave oven using a plastic container, glass or ceramic is always better.

4. Xenoestrogens are present in tap water. Many municipalities do not filter their water for chemical compounds. It is recommended not to drink water that has been stored in water bottles.

5. Pesticides are another source of these compounds. It is best to buy only organically grown fruits and vegetables.

6. Many women don’t know it but their cosmetics, creams and shampoos contain xenoestrogens. These are parabens. Now it is possible to find personal products without parabens in the health food store.

The next step to get rid of ovarian cysts is to take natural supplements that help the body get rid of excess estrogen, thereby balancing progesterone levels to normal levels. These supplements are:

1. DIM helps break down and eliminate excessive levels of estrogen in the body.

2. Maca increases progesterone levels without having hormonal properties.

3. Vitex is an herbal remedy that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), decreasing FSH and increasing progesterone.

4. Natural progesterone cream is another natural form of therapy that can be done instead of Vitex. This type of therapy is called bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and is recommended for women who have very high FSH levels and very low progesterone levels. It is also indicated in cases where the ovarian cyst is very large and continues to grow. Natural progesterone cream should be applied in these cases from day 8 to day 26 of the menstrual cycle. By doing this, ovulation is suppressed and the ovarian cyst has plenty of time to shrink as progesterone levels rise to balance the excess estrogen.

5. Castor oil compress applications are an excellent way to shrink ovarian cysts and treat many other gynecological disorders that involve tissue growth and are under the action of the hormone estrogen. These are fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and, of course, ovarian cyst formation. Castor oil pack applications help clean body tissues, deeply, and eliminate toxins.

The following steps indicate how to make a castor oil pack:

has. Apply a generous amount of castor oil to the lower abdomen.

b. Cover with a piece of flannel or wool.

against Place a heating pad on top.

d. Keep the pack for 45 minutes.

me. Repeat 3 times a week.

Avoid making a castor oil pack application during menstruation or pregnancy.

6. Use homeopathic remedies to help the body in the process of shrinking, shrinking, and eliminating ovarian cysts. Homeopathic medicine uses highly diluted, non-toxic natural remedies that stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathy is very successful because it takes into account not only the local symptoms that the woman is currently experiencing, but also her past medical history and constitutional weakness.

Many women who have used the contraceptive pill in the past have suppressed the action of their ovaries for many years. This often leads to abnormal ovulation leading to a distorted ovary and ovarian cyst formation. Also, many women develop ovarian cysts that are very large and very painful while taking the birth control pill. This is the result of the damaging action of synthetic hormones, which the body has difficulty metabolizing and eliminating. In fact, it can take more than a year for a woman to regain full ovarian function after taking the birth control pill. Homeopathics can help women solve this problem by restoring fertility, hormonal balance, and treating the development of ovarian cysts. This type of treatment is recommended for all women who have or have had an ovarian cyst, but it is especially important if the woman is trying to conceive.

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