Getting Rid of Foot Fungus Nail Infection With a Home Remedy For Sulfur

Foot Fungus Nail Infection

Sulfur is a key ingredient in the home remedy for toenail fungus. Sulfur is used because it has antifungal properties. Many of the drugs that you find at the store for foot fungus are the form of sulfur in its various forms. The only difference is that instead of being a liquid, sulfur is a powder that can be mixed with water. Other powders are also available.

To get the best results from the oral or topical solution for toenail fungus, you will want to follow the directions carefully. The two main products that are sold are Deet and Listerine mouthwash. These are available at most drug stores and super markets. The disadvantage to using these is that the concentration levels are not high enough to actually affect the fungus, but using them is not completely ineffective.

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Another option is to use the chemical called Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar is actually quite effective in fighting toe fungus. It is also safe for the purpose. Applying the top layer of the vinegar directly to the infected area is effective. It will penetrate the thick layers of skin, where the fungus hides.

Getting Rid of Foot Fungus Nail Infection With a Home Remedy For Sulfur

Many people have been trying to get rid of foot fungus nail infections with the same cure, hydrogen peroxide. There is a problem with this, however. In order for hydrogen peroxide to be effective, it must be present. In other words, it cannot work if you do not have it! Therefore, it is best to cure toe fungus skin fungus with another topical or oral solution.

A home remedy for toenail fungus that does not require a prescription is the essential oil topical solution mentioned above. Tea tree oil is also a very effective topical solution. It is an antifungal substance, which has been used successfully for years. However, it is better to avoid tea tree oil, since it contains triterpenoids, which can be toxic when swallowed. So, if you would like to use a home remedy for toenail fungus, another solution is necessary.

Essential oils are excellent as home remedies for toenail fungus. The reason they are effective is that they are readily available and effective. You can find pure essential oils at your local health food store. Although they are not commercially available, essential oils of other types, such as jojoba, rosewood, and tea tree oil, can be purchased online.

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