Handling restraining orders

Many people don’t realize how many people are out there who are quite dangerous due to different situations. It can be especially complex if you are dealing with a former spouse or lover. Do you know what needs to happen to make sure you can get a restraining order in Fresno CA to keep yourself safe in those situations?

While the law differs depending on which state you are in, there are some similarities. Here are some of the steps you will probably need to take.

Find a Lawyer

A lawyer will be your greatest ally in this situation. You want to talk to them about the situation and talk to them about your options. Many times, an attorney will be able to give you a pretty good idea of ​​whether or not he should proceed and whether his paperwork will be approved as it should be.

A good attorney will be a family law attorney or other professional who has experience doing this type of work in your state. Different family lawyers have different knowledge, so you’ll want to research what they do and what they know before you hire one.

Go to court and fill out the paperwork

To get a restraining order in Fresno CA, you will need to go to court and get the proper paperwork for the type of restraining order you want. You and your attorney will present your case and begin preparing the complex paperwork required.

There are two broad types of long-term restraining orders that you might consider. First, there is a permanent restraining order, which lasts for 5 years and protects you from the person in question. You can renew your restraining order after those 5 years.

The other is a criminal protection order, which is where the district attorney pursues the abuser with criminal charges. In these cases, the protection order will be from the beginning of the criminal case and will last for 3 years after the case is completed.

Get back on the court and get the ball rolling

Once the paperwork has been completed, you return to court. The judge may issue a temporary or emergency restraining order at first, to protect you while the papers are processed and so on. But the goal is to ensure that your long-term restraining order is enforced as it should be.

This process may take a little time, but when it is finished, everything will be in order and you will be protected as stated in the restraining order that you and your attorney decided to follow.

While it can be scary and stressful, there are many steps you can take to ensure that you’ll be able to care for them as time goes on, too. You don’t have to be afraid because there really are many options. By working with a restraining order attorney, you can sort out the details and feel safe and confident.

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