How long does carpet cleaning take? A guide for customers

The short answer to how long carpet cleaning takes is: anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 days. Depending on the size of the cleaned area, its condition, and things that get in the way of the cleaner (desks and chairs, for example). Also, it takes time for the rugs to dry, which must be added to the service time.

Now here is the long answer

There are several factors that can influence how long it will take for your carpet cleaning to complete, as well as how long it will take for the carpet to dry afterward.

  1. Size of the area to be cleaned – the rule of thumb regarding carpet cleaning is usually 20 minutes per room for small rooms (bedrooms, hallways) and 30 minutes per room for large rooms (master bedrooms, living rooms, etc.). However, this is just a rule of thumb and not something you can rely on. If the rug is very dirty, stained, or simply hasn’t been cleaned in a long time, it will take multiple passes over the same areas, adding more time to the rug cleaning. Also, each pass of the carpet cleaning wand adds more time to the drying time.
  2. The state of the carpets. – As mentioned above, heavy soils, a lot of grease, or just a few stubborn stains can add a lot of time to carpet cleaning. Basically, a dirtier carpet will require a more thorough approach, including pre-spraying and maybe even agitation with a special machine. This can add another 10 to 20 minutes per room, not including setup time, which can be a few more minutes.
  3. what is the rug made of – Natural fibers take longer to dry than synthetic fibers, and also require a different treatment. Natural fibers are more delicate. Plus, they don’t repel stains and grease like most synthetic fibers do. In general, natural fibers like wool require a stricter maintenance routine and more frequent cleaning to keep them looking their best.
  4. Additional solutions applied – Depending on the condition of your carpets and your requirements, there may be additional steps to carpet cleaning: pre-spray before cleaning or application of protectant after carpet cleaning has been performed. Each of these steps applies more fluid to the carpet and creates more moisture that needs to be dried. These steps can add up to a half hour to your carpet cleaning and can extend the drying time by two hours or more.
  5. weather conditions – Carpet cleaning time is not greatly affected by weather conditions (although bad weather can affect setup time, making it difficult to get everything ready for cleaning). However, drying time is greatly affected by weather conditions. Carpet cleaning is done indoors. When the weather is cold, rainy or even very humid, there is no option to ventilate a room and let in fresh air. Good ventilation helps the rug dry faster, so poor ventilation can greatly increase drying time. Drying times can even be doubled if the house is very cold with little or no air movement.
  6. air movement – Carpet in a well-ventilated room with multiple windows, or even a ceiling fan could dry out faster than in a closed room with no air flow. Sometimes during the winter, if your carpet cleaner allows it, they will put in some drying fans to shorten the drying time of the carpets. Not all carpet cleaners do this, so if this is important to you, ask before you make your appointment. This can greatly reduce drying time if the weather requires the house to remain closed (and there is no air ventilation system available, an HVAC unit you can turn on, or a fan to air out the rooms).

How long will it take to clean my rugs?

We suggest allowing 1.5-2 hours for your cleaning appointment and 6-8 hours for the rugs to dry (but can take up to 24 hours depending on conditions). If you have the option, choose a warmer climate for your carpet cleaning appointment.

Even if the cleaning appointment will take a long time, it’s worth it. All the odors removed, the carpets look fresh again, and the whole feeling of home freshness.

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