How to Complete the CSLB Work Experience Form

2013 has been full of changes when it comes to the CSLB license application. It used to be the experience that schema could make or break your app. Now, he’s just a minor player for eight of the 43 license rankings. Although the schema is a vital component to any trading classification, certain trading classifications require you to have a schema that accurately reflects your actual trading experience.

While a properly formatted CSLB work experience form for all 43 classifications is important, preparing a proper experience outline for the eight critical classifications is only the first step.

As I described in a previous post, and what seems to be the most confusing for applicants, you should avoid including administrative work such as; specific details of the project, seniority in the trade, etc. CSLB wants to see what you do in the workplace on a daily basis. What operations are you doing? If you are applying for the C-10 electrical license, you are pulling wires, installing 110/220v, installing panels, running conduit. If you are applying for a C-53 pool license, you are installing rebar, applying gunite, installing electrical; i.e. lighting, pool control systems or plumbing? If you are applying for the C-33 painting license, are you preparing the paint surface, repairing drywall, mixing paint, applying latex or water-based paints or stains?

CSLB’s experience form should not include what you do on the business side of things. For example, obtaining permits, signing contracts, dealing with clients, managing projects, providing quotes, etc. The CSLB assumes that all people in business can perform these administrative tasks.

Let’s go back to those eight “critical classes” which include A-General Engineering, B-General Buildings, C-10 Electrical, C-16 Fire Suppression, C-20 Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning, C-36 Plumbing, C-38 Refrigeration operations and drilling of C-57 wells. The CSLB Work Experience Form is only the first step because you will be asked to provide additional proof of experience. So in this case, your scheme should be as detailed as possible and close to your actual experience. If they contact your employer or certifier and ask if you have actually installed 220v cable and they say no, you will most likely have a hard time getting your application into the testing phase.

If you’re wondering how to complete the CSLB Work Experience Form, I’d be happy to help you. I offer full application preparation or application review.

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