How to control your husband without him knowing! Here are some sneaky hacks you need to read

Everyone likes to be in the position of control. This is because the person who is in this position automatically gets away with it! However, men do not want to be controlled and stay away from dominating women. That’s why women want to know how to dominate their husbands without knowing them. Here are some ways you can do it.

pick up overture technique

This is one of the most effective ways to get people to do what you want them to do without ordering them to do it. All you have to do is gently hint that what you want him to do would be best for everyone and before you know it, he’ll do it and you’ve got your wish!

Push it gently, don’t push!

If you try to persuade your husband by being too pushy, he will not oblige you. Instead, the trick is to gently push it in the right direction. You can do this with a sweet, sexy smile, a gentle reminder, and a tender caress! He’s a fan of your smiles, so he shouldn’t be too harsh!

Seduction is the easiest way to manipulate your husband

One of the most effective ways to get him to do what you like is to seduce him! Play it like a violin and use everything you have! Be heady, smooth and sexy. He will never be able to resist you. As long as you make sure that your relationship is loving, you will be able to control it without any problem!

Don’t beg, ask him!

Many women make the mistake of begging their men to do something for them. This makes the man even more stubborn and resists complying with his wishes. Instead, if you ask or ask politely, he won’t find the heart to say “no”! This way you won’t pressure him to do what you ask!

To be upset! Pout!

It’s wonderful how your husband can come to his senses when his wives “punish” him by locking him out of the room, giving him the silent treatment, and getting into a good mood! If you pout and refuse to “give in,” he’ll do what you want, just to get you back in the right frame of mind.

Don’t tie him down, instead give him a long rope!

As long as you show your husband that you understand his need for alone time, he will be more than grateful. He will try to reciprocate his gesture by being obedient and willing to grant all his wishes! What he doesn’t know is that you too have been longing for some alone time!

Get sentimental and “teary” when it suits you!

Every woman knows that she can use her crocodile tears to get what she wants! The moment she gets tearful and turns on the faucet, he can’t take it and he can’t handle it! It works like magic: before you know it, he’ll do your bidding and you won’t be the wiser for it.

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