How To Use Video Marketing To Generate Massive Exposure For Your Network Marketing Business

When it comes to driving tons of targeted traffic to your website and building your network marketing business, video marketing is one of the most powerful and affordable weapons in your marketing arsenal. This is a free strategy – it costs you nothing, but you have the opportunity to make money and generate massive exposure for your business.

Have you ever spent “quality” time on YouTube clicking from one video to another, like me? Why not use this strategy to boost your networking business too?

The reality is that video marketing is here to stay and it’s only getting bigger. I find it interesting that Google bought YouTube many years ago because they understood that video marketing would be the way of the future.

People generally learn best through visual methods. You become a PERSON, a voice, someone your prospects can connect with. You are no longer just words on a page, but someone they can relate to. You can build powerful relationships with your prospects for your network marketing business on autopilot by following these simple steps!

Step 1 – You obviously need a way to record and publish your content. You can go out and buy a video camera. But if funds are tight, you can also use your smartphone, tablet, or webcam to record and upload a video. If you have Windows, you may already have Windows Movie Maker automatically installed on your computer, where you can edit and upload your videos.

Step 2: Just like with a blog post – content is king! What you include in your video will be one of the main deciding factors in the success of your video. First you want to identify who you are trying to target: who is your audience? You don’t have to incorporate keywords when recording your videos, but they will rank based on their title, description, and backlinks.

Where do you start with your content? One of the easiest ways is to tell your story and how you got started in your business. You can also review a recent movie, song, book, or article and how it applies to your business opportunity. For best results, record 2-6 minute videos so people pay attention and listen to your entire video.

Step 3: Submitting your videos

Manually submit your videos to the top 3 free video hosting sites.



3. Facebook video.

You can also upload your content to other hosting sites, but these are the best sites to use.

Most network marketers are still buying leads, losing money, harassing their family and friends, and generally have no idea how to properly build their opportunity. Use the power of free video marketing to build your network marketing business.

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