HVAC Air Purifiers – Are They Adequate?

HVAC Air Purifiers

If you have looked at purchasing an air purifier, it is likely that you were under the impression that it would provide you with sufficient protection against the contaminants which are commonly found in domestic and commercial areas. You may have been led to believe that the only way to protect your family and loved ones was to buy one of these expensive products. However, the results of recent research into the performance of an air purifier have shown that this is not necessarily the case. The fact is that although air purifiers do give excellent levels of air purifying qualities, they will not necessarily be able to protect you from all of the pollutants which are present in the air.

There are a number of reasons why people believe that air purifiers will provide them with protection against contaminants, but the reality is that they simply cannot. To begin with, most of these filters will only remove small particles of dust. In addition, if the filter is not of a high enough quality, it will not filter out any of the heavier contaminants which may be present. For example, there are two different kinds of carbon filters which can be found on air purifiers. One of these will remove large particulates of dust and debris, while the other will filter out only small particles.

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Of course, if you were to purchase a product which has both types of filters, then you would certainly expect it to provide excellent levels of air purification. However, this is simply not the case. This is because carbon filters are unable to trap all of the larger contaminants which are present in the air. These include toxins and carcinogens which can be much higher up in the atmosphere than the smaller particles. In fact, it is not even possible to trap all of these contaminants at once. There are simply too many of them in the air, and carbon filters will not be able to trap them all.

Are They Adequate?

On top of not being able to trap larger particles, carbon filters also tend to produce a low amount of ozone. This has the result of depleting the ozone layer which protects us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. This means that if you wish to obtain clean air with your air filtration system you should invest in products which use ceramic fibres or similar materials which will absorb UV rays and which have been treated with an ozone layer inhibitor.

As a result of these health concerns, HVAC systems around the home are not providing adequate protection against toxins and carcinogens. Therefore, it is important that you purchase an air filtration system which features ashrae heat and ionizers. Ashrae heat is made up of tiny negatively charged ions. These ions attach themselves to toxins in the air and draw them away from you and your family. Ionizers on the other hand, are designed to pull negative ions from the air and attach themselves to positive ions.

When looking for a filtration system to address the issue of contaminated air, you will want to invest in a product that has been designed to address the concerns about airborne particulates and the potential health hazards they can cause. HVAC professionals agree that ashrae heat and ionizers are the most effective means of improving the quality of the indoor air in your home. So, if you want to enjoy clean air in your home you will need to invest in one of these HVAC products. You will not regret the decision once you start to experience the positive improvements in your health and your overall well-being.

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