Indoor Water Fountains: Health Benefits of Better Air Quality

From my earliest memories, I was always drawn to the sounds of water. As a child, I remember sitting under the plastic-covered picnic table in the backyard, contently listening to the rain around me. As I got older, I explored the local woods and found a stream with a small waterfall. This was the destination many days after school, and I found solace there, watching the water as it moved and swirled, capturing the sunlight that shone through the trees. So, as a natural progression, it’s no wonder I was intrigued by indoor water fountains. Not only are they interesting additions to decor, but they create the same mood-enhancing element that nature itself provides.

Decorative water fountains are now known to have a much more scientifically beneficial role than simply providing an interesting accent piece to a room. In addition to adding a component that helps us relax and creating “white noise” that helps block out distracting background sounds in the home, decades of scientific research reveal much more. Listening to the sound of trickling water and watching the water move actually increases creativity, reduces stress, and even speeds up our natural healing processes. We feel this instinctively: we know that these sounds are simply good for the soul! What actually happens to create these benefits for our body, mind, and spirit? What is it about the harmonious acoustics and the interplay of light and shadow in the reflection of the water, that really affects us in such a healthy way?

Running water actually improves air quality. Just as the air always feels clean and new after a storm, on a smaller scale, an indoor water feature actually replicates that phenomenon. Many people refer to the benefits of indoor water fountains as “fountain therapy.”

The air is electrically charged with microscopic particles called positive and negative ions. Positive ions are emitted by all the appliances that we usually use: microwaves, televisions, computers, refrigerators, clothes dryers, etc. Most people don’t know that breathing in positive ions can lower energy and cause overall reduced health. Negative ions are created by constantly moving water… streams, beaches, waterfalls and, in the home, indoor water sources. As the water splashes into the fountain, the water molecule breaks apart and negative ions are naturally emitted into the air as a byproduct of the turbulence in the water. The benefits of negative ions are profound.

Negative ions serve as natural air purifiers by binding to impurities in the air and neutralizing them. Dust particles, bacteria, airborne toxins, and even viruses can be removed when negative ions attach to these impurities. Clumping together, they fall to the ground where they can be vacuumed up later. Larger indoor water fountains can clean the air better than most air purifiers. Recent studies suggest that once negative ions reach our bloodstream, they are thought to produce a biochemical reaction that increases levels of serotonin, the mood chemical. Increased levels of this chemical have been shown to relieve depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and increase energy. Also, indoor water fountains will add water vapor to the room, resulting in a friendly atmosphere for all living things. Although indoor water fountains are not a cure-all, they will absolutely help improve respiratory function and mood.

If you’re like me, you probably have a collection of tapes and CDs of the sounds of a storm or ocean waves crashing. While these tapes are great for stress relief, they only mimic the presence of water and therefore don’t provide the most value. With the benefits so clearly displayed, it’s a huge boost to a room’s health, decor, and mood to add water fountains wherever we spend a lot of time. I suggest putting a decorative water feature on your desk, where you can get so closely lost in the movement and sound of water, and drift off into a meditative sleep. This can do wonders for the physical body and mental state.

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