Is it Easy to Assemble Cat Scratching Posts?

Easy to Assemble Cat Scratching Posts

Providing your cat with a scratching post that matches your home décor and is easy to assemble will save your carpets, furniture and other belongings from claw damage. It will also provide a great place for your cat to stretch and exercise while scratching.

cat scratching post are available in a variety of materials, including wood, sisal rope and cardboard. Most people choose to use sisal rope or jute, which are natural, durable and attractive for cats. Cardboard is a popular choice, as it is cheap and easy to cut into a custom shape for the scratching post. Some cats prefer to scratch on vertical rather than horizontal surfaces, so experiment with the different types of posts to see which one your cat favors.

Many home improvement stores carry pre-made scratching posts that are easy to assemble. They are usually made of sturdy materials that can withstand cat claws and come with instructions for setting up the post. They may require some assembly, such as inserting dowels into holes or attaching the base to the post, but no power tools are required. Some pre-made scratching posts are even designed to be portable, so you can move them around your home to encourage your cat to use the new scratching post in a different area.

Is it Easy to Assemble Cat Scratching Posts?

Some scratching posts come with accessories such as places for your cat to lounge or attached toys. These are more expensive, but can increase the effectiveness of your cat’s scratching behavior. Consider your cat’s personality and age when deciding whether or not you want to go all out with your scratching post. Kittens or young cats might need more of a basic model, while older cats might be more interested in a fully-equipped version with lots of extra features.

You can create your own inexpensive, sturdier cat scratching post by using salvaged materials and low-wear carpet scraps. A round top can be added by tracing a circle on a piece of plywood, then cutting the circle with a jigsaw or coping saw. It’s a good idea to make the top at least 4 inches smaller than the base to avoid tippyness.

Once your post is complete, entice your cat to use it by spreading a little bit of catnip on the surface. This will attract your kitty and encourage her to start using it instead of your furniture or carpets. Then, try to spend some time playing near the scratching post so your cat gets used to it and associates it with positive interactions.

You might need to reapply the catnip every few days to keep it fresh, but eventually your kitty should start to use the scratching post instead of your furniture or carpets. It’s important to train your cat to use the scratching post, because it will prevent her from scratching other areas of your home and protect your furnishings. A well-used scratching post will last for years, making it a worthwhile investment in your feline friend and your home.

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