Is your soul broken?

What is a broken soul? Your soul breaks when who you are on the inside doesn’t match who you are on the outside.

A broken soul is related to how you feel about yourself, your truest, deepest and most honest beliefs; your philosophy on life; your original ideas and most sincere thoughts, feelings, emotions and sense of what is right and what is wrong. Your soul is who you are when no one is looking; where no one else can see. Your outer personality includes your physical body, spoken and written words, habits, actions, and behaviors.

How can a person break his soul?

Every time you lie to yourself, you go against your own sense of justice, compassion, and integrity; you don’t follow your dreams and use your gifts and talents, you hurt someone you love consciously or unconsciously, you break the spiritual bond between your body and your soul. When you believe in one thing and act and behave in the opposite way, you become an empty vessel, a shell, a person without substance. Your physical body is alive, but it is hollow and empty because it lacks integrity and meaning. Many of today’s young celebrities, like Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, Nicole Richie, and even the late Anna Nicole Smith, may be soul-broken. These physically beautiful, wealthy young women have the outward appearance of prosperity, but their actions and behaviors do not exemplify inner peace.

We live in a culture that tells us that when something is making us sick; we can solve it with a psychoactive drug, weight loss or cosmetic surgery. The other part of society tells us that we must join organized religious communities. None of these suggestions is wrong based on the individual’s personality and emotional needs; but it is essential and crucial that each person learn to look honestly within themselves to determine if they are doing the best they can to promote health, wealth, peace, love and happiness in their lives. own lives. .

The only way you can reattach your soul to your body is by aligning your thoughts, words, and actions as one being.

Is a broken soul similar to a broken heart?

A broken heart can cause a broken soul when you keep repeating the patterns that caused your heart to break. For example, continuing to choose the same type of man without looking inside yourself to see why you are attracted to certain types of men. However, a broken soul doesn’t usually lead to a broken heart because it’s impossible to care deeply for others when you don’t really know, love, or care about yourself.

examples of broken souls

Scenario A Fidelity

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

You believe in fidelity. You want to be in a relationship with a person you can trust.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

You make a vow to be faithful. You tell your partner that you are faithful.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

You cheat on your partner.

Scenario B Education

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

Do you think education is important? You have always wanted to practice law.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

You tell everyone that you are going back to school to get your degree.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

You watch TV and go out with friends at night. She picked up an application once, but never filled it out.

Scenario C Following your dreams

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

You feel happiest when you sing, dance, or take part in any type of performance. You love music with every cell of your heart, mind and body. People tell you that you have talent and talent as a singer.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

To impress your parents, teachers, and detractors, you tell everyone that you are going to college to be a doctor.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

He is enrolled in a pre-med program. You try to ignore the pain in your stomach, your headaches, and the deep misery you feel inside. You rationalize your unhappiness by telling yourself that doctors make a lot of money and that your family will be very proud of you.

Scenario D Being true to yourself

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

You love to write.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

You tell everyone about the book you’re going to write one day.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

You never write because you are tired when you get home from work and exhausted from the daily demands of caring for your family.

Scenario E Be true to yourself

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

You want to lose weight to improve your health.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

You tell everyone you’re on a diet.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

You don’t exercise. You make unhealthy food choices.

Scenario F Have faith

1. Beliefs, personal moral code of right and wrong, honest emotions/feelings

In your heart and spirit, you believe in God, a Higher Self, or a Higher Power greater than yourself. You feel that your deepest dreams, desires, longings, and needs will manifest in your life.

2. Words, what you say to others orally or in writing.

You tell everyone about your incredible faith, trust, and belief in God or a Higher Power. You tell other people to have faith and believe.

3. Actions, behaviors, clothes – What you do

You cry yourself to sleep every night because you’re worried about getting your bills paid and how you’re going to provide for your family. He hasn’t looked for a new job or started his own business because people say, “the economy is bad.”

If you make an honest assessment of what is really bothering you and all the things you can start doing right now to change your life, you will begin to heal your soul. Guaranteed.

10 signs of a broken soul

1. You have a drinking or substance abuse problem.

2. You have been depressed for more than 6 weeks

3. You have no pleasure in life.

4. You are in a sexually, physically or psychologically abusive relationship.

5. You are actively involved in criminal or illegal activities.

6. You have recurring suicidal thoughts

7. You have an eating disorder

8. You physically, psychologically or sexually abuse another person.

9. You are not doing anything productive with your time.

10. You constantly complain about hating yourself or your life.

Techniques to heal a Broken Soul

1. Validate yourself. It starts exactly where you are. Call yourself beautiful. Start your business. Do not seek external validation from anyone.

2. Embark on a journey of self-exploration. What is your favorite color, food, song, movie, day of the week, holiday? Everything you love is a clue to the mystery of who you are. The things you love are internal pieces that create the external image of who you are.

3. Forgive everyone and everything. Without exceptions.

4. Practice random acts of kindness. Put a dime in an expired parking meter. Pay for someone’s breakfast, dinner, or lunch without revealing yourself. Put toilet paper in a public restroom for the next person. Shoveling someone’s snow or raking their leaves without them knowing who did it. Leave a tip at someone else’s table. Find unique ways to put a smile on other people’s faces. Their smiles will make you smile.

5. Say sorry, it doesn’t matter if they accept your apology. This gives them a chance to heal when they are ready.

Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past.

6. Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. Read the sorry letter to yourself every night until you can let it go. You cannot forgive yourself until you are emotionally ready to forgive yourself.

7. Give yourself 6 months to make a change. Don’t try to change too many things about yourself at once; this is overwhelming. If you’re trying to quit smoking, don’t include losing 50 pounds and finding a cure for cancer. Take it easy and steady.

8. Watch Shawshank Redemption, The Pursuit of Happyness or any other movie that gives you hope.

9. Find one thing that you absolutely love about yourself and think about it once a day, for the whole day.

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