Kitchen Reform – Recipe for Design

Kitchen remodeling doesn’t have to be complicated, and it involves far less hassle and hassle than having a whole new kitchen outfitted. But the results can be amazing, and at a completely reasonable cost. So what’s the recipe for ‘like-new’ kitchen design?

Take an old kitchen…

Your old kitchen may not be exactly worn, but if you’ve had it for a while, it may be past its prime. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to trade it in for a new model; it just needs a little attention.

Adding new kitchen cabinet doors

Cabinets are the core of any kitchen, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality, so the condition and appearance of the cabinets is important.

Unless you’ve suddenly decided you need more space, there’s a good chance there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your kitchen cabinets, and they probably serve their purpose just as well as when you first bought them. Your closet doors, on the other hand, may show signs of wear. So instead of dismantling a perfectly good kitchen, it makes more sense to simply replace the doors. This approach is also useful for radically changing the design of your kitchen with minimal effort and cost.

Coordinates with updated drawer fronts

It’s amazing how much of a difference you can make simply by changing drawer fronts along with cabinet doors. You can get matching doors and drawers, or perhaps go for a bold design with contrasting colors and effects. Are you sick of your outdated 90s look? Why not go totally retro with a kitchen that harkens back to the 1960s or even beyond, with a farmhouse Shaker-style flair?

Put a new countertop

From wood laminates to marble and other high-end materials, spending a little on a quality countertop can have a radical effect on the overall look of your kitchen. And since it’s where you’ll spend much of your meal prep time, it’s well worth the expense.

Install a new sink and faucets

Sinks also get a lot of use and are therefore more likely to need replacement before other items in your kitchen. A new sink and shiny new faucets can bring a lot of life to any tired old kitchen.

Sprinkle with some accessories

This is where you can really add a little extra personality to your kitchen, similar to adding seasonings to a meal for an extra kick. A few well-placed wooden shelves can look great and give you more space. New light fixtures can be used to add a bit of class and character to your kitchen ceiling, without the cost of a complete redesign.

In terms of appliances, if you can’t afford to replace your cooker, refrigerator, or other more expensive units, simply replacing affordable items like microwaves, toasters, and kettles can make a world of difference. Take care to match new appliances with your updated design and the cumulative effect can be impressive. If you’re feeling a little flushed, you could even treat yourself to something new, like a coffee pot or sandwich toaster!

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