Last minute? Here are 5 ideas for fun things to do with the kids.

That’s right parents. Summer is about a month away, and before you know it, your kids will be coming up to you to tell you how bored they are. However, with a little advance planning and some of the ideas found here, you’re guaranteed to keep them busy and (mostly) quiet all summer long. Here are five ideas for fun things to do with the kids during the upcoming summer months.

1. Make a DIY Coloring Case

Does your child love art and drawing? Or is she going on a long road trip this summer and looking to keep her kids quiet in the backseat? Making a DIY coloring case can be the perfect option to keep your kids engaged and busy. To make one, simply grab an old DVD case, some glue, some cardboard and fabric, and in no time you’ll have a coloring box complete with a crayon or pencil pocket to the right and plenty of storage space. paper to the left. Your child can take their case everywhere to keep busy on the go.

2. Go camping

Camping is a great and inexpensive way to get your children outdoors and explore nature. With campgrounds located within an hour of just about everywhere, you’ll be able to find a great spot where your kids can run free in the woods for a few hours. If you’re not into the outdoors type of activities, then just let them pitch a tent in the backyard, or heck, even in the house! Your kids will love sleeping in a new place, even if it’s just for one night!

3. Mess-free paint in a bag

For an art activity that requires almost no cleanup and is safe even for very young children, consider squeezing a few different colored paints into a large Ziploc bag, zip it shut, and tape it to a window. Since the Ziploc bag will be closed, the paint is sure not to make a mess. Your kids can “finger paint” by moving the paint around inside the bag. The light shining through the window on the other side will create amazing works of art that your child will be proud of!

4. Feed the birds

You can teach your children about nature and instill in them a sense of environmental stewardship by building a personalized bird feeder. While you can make a bird feeder out of just about anything, a bottle of clean water, juice, or even soap can make the perfect feeder. Simply cut out a space for birds to get in and out, and leave a small tray at the bottom for the seed. Your children will spend hours decorating their feeder and watching the birds dine in their handmade feeder.

5. See an exhibit from the Middle Ages

While you may need to do some searching, few things are more fun or educational for kids than a trip to a Middle Ages exhibit or Renaissance fair. From finger food to seeing people dressed in traditional garb to seeing a live jousting display, your kids will delight in the spectacle and learn a thing or two!

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