Main uses of blackboards

White boards are great to have around the house. How many times have you run out of something like liquid detergent, salt, or toilet paper, forgotten to write it down, and then lost it again at the supermarket? It happens to all of us and it drives us crazy! Having a whiteboard handy in the kitchen means that as soon as you run out of something, you can write it down and then refer to it when writing your weekly shopping list.

You can also use it to write down recipes when you’re cooking so you don’t have to fumble for a cookbook or risk dirty hands on your laptop, or you can leave helpful reminders for the more forgetful members of your family. .

Children will also love having a whiteboard at home as it gives them something to scribble on. Magnetic whiteboards are particularly fun, as you can get a variety of decorative magnets and accessories to go with them, as well as colored dry-erase whiteboard markers. You could put a blackboard in your children’s rooms to make it more fun for them.

Offices can find whiteboards very useful. In a sales environment where goals and KPIs are constantly changing, having a whiteboard means you can easily update them on a weekly basis and everyone can see it, so you have no excuse for not being on top of your goals! Whiteboards in an office are also great for brainstorming. Some companies even have an entire wall made of whiteboard for particularly in-depth sessions. The best thing about a whiteboard in this situation is that anything added can be easily erased, so participants are less likely to hold back from giving ideas.

Of course, we cannot list the main uses of blackboards and not mention schools. More and more classrooms are switching from blackboards to whiteboards. They are less complicated, and many students find the black-on-white pencil rather than the white-on-black chalk easier to read. Being able to use different colored pens can also be very helpful for highlighting important information and drawing diagrams.

The last place where chalkboards are hugely beneficial is in a catering setting. A commercial kitchen can be a very hectic place with orders coming in and out quickly and menus changing all the time. A central whiteboard means staff shifts and breaks can be easily displayed along with off-menu items, specials and other important information.

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