Managing Crohn’s Disease – The Natural Way

The wrong foods come in many forms. To avoid them, you must follow the Crohn’s disease diet. For more outside information on the program, the following books are excellent sources of information on Crohn’s nutrition: Breaking the Vicious Cycle, How to Cook for Crohn’s and Colitis, and The Acid Alkaline Balance.

Having Crohn’s nutrition is meant to ensure “happy” bacteria in the intestines. The symptoms of “unhappy” bacteria are quite obvious and can include the immediate need and use of the bathroom, which may or may not be during the day, upset stomach, very smelly bowel movements like flatulence, which of course is subjective, but It will give a hint of “flatulent-letter-outer” loose stools, an excessive amount of toileting, and consecutive toileting in a matter of minutes.

One reason the “wrong” foods encourage toileting is because of the high residues found in such foods that work against Crohn’s nutrition. This waste is much like the lubricants in the intestines, which will allow bowel movements to happen “too easily.” So Crohn’s nutrition reduces said lubrication, which would cause pain, discomfort, etc.

Simple carbs are bad for everyone; they break down into simple sugars; bacteria love simple sugars. When bacteria eat such excess sugars in these forms, they multiply rapidly, upsetting the natural balance in the stomach, intestines, etc. Bacteria in such quantities are not healthy for anyone, but especially for sensitive people, such as those who need a diet for Crohn’s disease.

One must first take into account what one’s feces really are: mostly bacteria. It’s true. Stool is made up of fiber that has passed through the system, other “unnecessary” parts of dead and consumed red blood cells, which is what gives stool its brown color, and bacteria, which not only make up a large number of feces, but also helps bind it. Crohn’s nutrition helps keep an eye on balance by maintaining order and fostering a better one, which is the healthy goal of the Crohn’s diet.

Therefore, “bad” foods encourage an unhealthy balance in bacteria. This is mainly what happens with people who are sensitive to milk: when these people eat or drink dairy products, the bacteria in those people’s systems multiply so rapidly that the body cannot contain them and must expel them, either through feces that have not had time to be eliminated. harden and give more nutrients to the large intestine and is therefore diarrhea or vomiting. Crohn’s nutrition discourages such situations; Crohn’s disease diet helps irradiate such rapid expulsions of bacteria because the body will have a healthy balance.

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