October marigold: flowers for any occasion

October’s birth flower, the marigold, is truly a symbol of fall and crisp mornings. Its brilliant palette of burnt and gold colors reminds one of a beautiful autumn sunrise. Also known as pot marigold, marigold is truly a delight to florists and in the garden due to its beautiful color and hardy nature. Whether potted as a unique holiday gift or planted in your border, marigolds will delight and inspire.

History, Meanings and Uses

Calundula’s name comes from the English “calendar”. It is said that the Calendula took this name from its monthly flowers. The monks used to enjoy their beautiful flowers throughout the year, as the flowers surrounded their altars and bloomed until they were covered with snow.

Like the sunflower, marigold flowers follow the sun and were used by early Christians as protection against evil. The Calendula represents affection, jealousy, grievance and many other feelings associated with love.

The uses of calendula are well known in the culinary and homeopathic healing worlds. In cooking, calendula is used to brighten and add a slightly spicy flavor to vegetables. The petals were also used to substitute saffron in pots for the poor, hence the name “Pot Marigold”.

The medicinal uses of Calendula are almost limitless. Its leaves and petals can be used for everything from tincture for headaches to ointment for insect bites. The oil from the seeds is used in soap products and the extract to combat acne.


Like its cousin, the common marigold, the marigold is extremely hardy and weather resistant. They can withstand moderate frosts and do well in full sun or partial shade. In fact, they thrive in cold climates and will flourish until the ground is completely frozen.

Plant marigold seeds in mid-spring and be sure to sow often to prolong blooming. They like rich, well-drained soil, but can survive almost anywhere and are perfect for mixing in your vegetable garden for a splash of color.

Go ahead and fill your gardens with marigolds. They are perfect for unique holiday gifts; a Thanksgiving table would sparkle with its shimmering golden flowers. They are perfect for bridal bouquets and a simple token to show your appreciation and feelings. And they are a gardener’s delight; as tough and useful as the day is long.

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