Search Engine Optimization Techniques for Blogs

In fact, keywords when used correctly in your website content have exponential power. They are the most magnetic force to attract search engines. Most of Google’s $25 billion annual revenue is based on keywords. These simple little magnifying words are the lifeblood of every SEO ranked website. keep reading… The way you write your article […]

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Memory is stored outside the body

Science News Magazine February 3, 2018, “People tend to think of memories as ephemeral and deeply personal possessions: fragments of emotions, words, colors and smells sewn into our unique neural tapestries as life goes on.” One of today’s most entrenched explanations places engrams (memories) directly inside synapses, connections where chemical and electrical messages move between […]

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A small group of tenants may be doubling their multi-family utility costs

Find out what you can do about it When utilities are included in an apartment complex’s rent, some tenants are naturally going to consume more than others. High utility users, even if they represent a small group of tenants, can add substantially to costs. Since these cost increases are effectively hidden in rent, residents who […]

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Mr Irrelevant is the title (name) awarded to the last player taken each year in the NFL Draft

Mr. Irrelevant is a title that is discussed every April around the annual NFL Draft because it is the dubious title given to the last player taken in the draft. The title of Mr. Irrelevant is given half jokingly due to the lack of faith that exists regarding the final player drafted worth mentioning again […]

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Florida Lawyers Help You File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida

What is a personal injury claim? It is nothing more than a tool through which personal injury victims can exercise their rights and take legal action against the person or organization whose carelessness devastated their life. Vehicle accidents, slip and falls, and other accidents are often accompanied by serious physical injuries and mental stress. Bone […]

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The evolution of signaling

Remember the classic china service station signs lit by high-voltage bulbs, like “Texaco” and “Skelly” (now highly prized collectors’ items)? Then came vacuum-formed plastic-faced signs that were backlit with fluorescent lamps and used a marquis with interchangeable plastic letters “Wagner” or “ZIP” for special offers and fuel prices. Yes, the signage industry has evolved in […]

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