Penis Health: 7 Steps to Daily Care

For some men, their grooming routine begins and ends with an occasional shower. But there are additional considerations to keep in mind when it comes to penis health. While a man’s shaft doesn’t require a lot of fuss to stay in good shape and function, it doesn’t hurt to practice a few extra steps for penis care throughout the day and know how everything from what a man eats to what The personal care products you use can affect the tool. The following list will help men take better care of what they pack.

1) Wash well. Some men don’t think twice about washing their penis while washing the rest of their body. This does not always work well for the delicate skin of the limbs. Excessive washing, scrubbing, and the use of scented soaps or body washes can dry out the skin and make it less sensitive to pleasurable sensations, something no man wants. Washing the tool daily with lukewarm water is usually enough to keep it clean. Intact men should gently retract the foreskin and clean the smegma buildup with their fingers. For men with frequent smegma buildup, it may be necessary to do this several times a day outside of the shower.

2) Lubricate on the right. Men have used all kinds of slippery substances to polish their sausages during solo play. While proper lubrication is important both when masturbating and having sex with a partner, it is equally important to use the correct type of lubrication. Avoid soaps, shampoos, and other products not designed for the penis when lubricating.

3) Right to self-gratification. While there is certainly no “right” way to flush, there are some wrong ways that can lead to injury or loss of sensation with a partner. Using a strangulation grip or relying on super hard visual stimuli can desensitize a man to actual sexual stimulation with his partner. Sticking a penis where it doesn’t belong (think: suction hose) can lead to injuries to the skin and muscles that any man would do well to avoid.

4) Eat well. Foods that promote healthy circulation are good for the penis, as erections are created by a rush of blood to the penis. Foods like green leafy vegetables, chili peppers, and tomatoes can help your blood flow strongly.

5) Correct exercise. Cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body. While regular cardiovascular exercise is important, it is equally important not to train too much. Guys who try too hard with any type of exercise without taking adequate recovery time between workouts experience elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that, among other unpleasant things, lowers testosterone levels. That can wreak havoc on a man’s sex drive and ability to achieve erections.

6) Right of self-examination. Men must carry out frequent visual and manual checks on their limbs. Assess the condition of the skin and look for lumps or bumps. While self-examination is crucial, don’t self-diagnose. If something is different or concerning, seek a proper diagnosis from a medical professional.

7) Hydrate well. Some men have dry, flaky skin on the penis. This could be due to a number of factors, including friction from your partner’s hand or body, rubbing against fabric, or cold weather. Men may be tempted to use any old body lotion, but the penis deserves a lotion designed with it in mind, without harsh chemicals or fragrances that can irritate the delicate skin. A cream for penis health (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) it is the best option to hydrate a dry penis. A product with a combination of shea butter and vitamin E can blend dry skin by providing and retaining moisture.

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