replicate itself

If I had to give you one word to define management success, it would be replication. if you had 10 of you working for youhow good it would be you be doing today? Your answer better be awesome (otherwise you’ll have to fire yourself!). The fact is that he was promoted to manager because he was a very good employee. In fact, you were probably the best and that’s why you got the manager position. If you want to build a great team, just recruit, train and retain 10 of you!

Now let’s put this theory into practice. How do you do that? Once you identify your champions, who I assume have the same qualities and characteristics that you have (integrity, work ethic, positive attitude, intellect, relationship skills, etc.), start teaching them what you did that made you so good. successful. In other words, you find people like you and then you just teach them, day by day, how to model your success; It is easy! If you do this long enough, very soon replicate your performance. Once you have one employee doing this, just move on to the next one until your entire team models it.

The key here is teaching they how to be like you, no demonstrating how to be like you doing the work for them. Many managers confuse these two. They think that in order to model performance and teach people how to be successful, they simply have to perform a transaction in front of them (for sales managers, this would be selling a deal). once you have proven the right way, and the employee has witnessed it, SHAZAAAM! – now they are like you! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. There is an old saying, “You can catch a fish and feed someone for a day, or you can teach them to fish and feed them for a lifetime!” In the example I gave, you caught they a fish. What you really need to do is teach them to fish.

Teach your employees to fish like you!

Let me give you some simple steps to teach your people to fish:

Put your employees on a daily training regimen: You can’t teach employees by force-feeding a bunch of knowledge in a short period of time. You need to teach them small pieces (skills) over time that lead to training suit. This means first having a training program and then spending no more than 30 minutes a day for them to study and learn.

Have them practice and role play: Don’t Just Preach, Do Them practice what you preach They will never create habits without daily practice and repetition. It is a basic requirement for success.

Monitor your actions and behavior: Monitor your actions and behaviors daily to make adjustments. You want to catch bugs before they become bad clothes. building good clothesover time, the results will always be stellar!

Follow this simple process for 30 days and you will see an exponential improvement in your employees. You’ll see the best everywhere you look. You will see you!

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