Teenage Acne Treatment: Top 10 Methods That Are Safe And Effective

Adolescence is the time when horrible acne begins to plague the skin of many young people. This goes beyond the physical, as teasing, ridicule, and other stresses also affect the psychological realm. Corporations have invented many products that guarantee effective results, but this is not the case for some. Fortunately, what might be the best treatment for teenage acne will be discussed here. These tips are not overnight miracles as it takes perseverance and discipline to truly be acne free.

The first is the consistently safe and effective advice for cleansing the skin. This should be done in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed.

For those who have dominant blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples, then the best cleanser is one that contains salicylic acid to unclog pores and remove dirt and oil.

For those with red, blotchy skin, the best cleanser is one that calms the skin and counteracts the redness. Never wash your face too much because it tricks your skin into thinking it’s dry, thus creating even more oil which leads to breakouts.

After cleansing should be scrub. This is only for those who have mainly blackheads. It’s best to use a scrub with jojoba beads because they are oil-free and non-drying. For those who have cystic acne, whiteheads and pimples, the best way to do this is to repair the skin with a mask that has salicylic acid to dry out the acne and soften the face.

Retinol cream is a gentle exfoliant that is a good treatment for teenage acne. It should be applied twice a week to the entire face for it to work its wonders. Retinol cream can be found in anti-aging products.

Just because your face has acne doesn’t mean moisturizing is out of the question. Using moisturizer is very important because failure to do so will increase the skin’s oil production and lead to more breakouts, especially when the teen is taking acne medication. Choose an oil-free lotion.

Makeup becomes an important factor for many teens, so it’s best to use an oil-free liquid foundation and non-comedogenic face products. A green concealer is also effective on pimples, because it will hide the redness of the pimple. It just needs to be covered with base. A concealer with tea tree oil not only covers pimples but also treats them. Practice removing all makeup before bed with an oil-free remover followed by cleansing.

A healthy diet with the right ingredients is also key to effective teenage acne treatment. Lean proteins like fish, chicken, beans, and eggs along with vitamin C are important. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like spinach, tuna, and walnuts help reduce swelling due to their anti-inflammatory factor. Take supplements with vitamin E and zinc to heal the skin and reduce inflammation.

Sunscreen is very important within the acne treatment regimen. Use sunscreen that has SPF30 and always apply and reapply every two hours. UV rays are harmful to the skin and cause blemishes along with acne.

Finally, maintain a healthy habit of drinking eight glasses of water daily so that the skin receives the moisture it needs. It is best to stay away from caffeine: soft drinks, tea and coffee. Smoking has also been shown to contribute to acne, so if your teen has the habit, it’s very wise to quit.

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