The basic tips when it comes to training your pet dogs

One of the most satisfying features of owning a pet is being able to train your dog. However, as much as we all like our dogs to follow our different commands, dog training is not that simple. Training our dogs involves time, patience, dedication and love. Sometimes it is a long process. This is precisely one of the reasons why people ask for the help of the dog trainer. However, if we all do it right, we can see great results. There are several things that one should never forget when it comes to training their dogs.

First of all, before you start the training process, you need to determine the age and breed of your dog. Determining this is very important as you could gauge your dog’s personality or behavior and adjust your training to suit your dog’s personality. As we all know, there are a large number of dog breeds that exist all over the world. There is a big difference when it comes to training one breed from another. An excellent example would be training German Shepherds versus training Siberian Huskies. Both breeds can be trained using the same methods. However, training a Siberian Husky would require a lot of patience, dedication, and love compared to training a German Shepherd, as Huskies are not eager to please their masters.

When it comes to the dog’s age, you also have to adapt. There are dogs that, unfortunately, were not trained at that age. For those who have dogs belonging to this category, they must understand that it would be difficult to train them. The best time to train your dog would be when he reaches six to eight weeks of age. This is the time when they would begin to understand the simple commands that I would teach them. Although, you have to remember that they are still puppies. Training them is equivalent to handling a two-year-old.

Second, there are various training methods to choose from such as Koehler, Clicker, Eclectic, Lure, Play. Basically, the Koehler method is known to be a harsh way of training your dog as it is all about rewards and correction. If the command you are giving the dog is not followed, you will have to correct the dog, for example by pulling on the leash when your dog does not respond to the command “Stay!” The clicker method is basically a clicker reward response using a small device or anything that makes a clicking sound or a low pitched sound that helps with training.

The eclectic method is basically a combination of numerous training methods that are known to offer the best behavioral training results. The lure method is the most popular training method used by even beginners as it basically uses any type of lure that is something the dog likes such as a treat or a toy that your dog likes to use as a lure. reward form. Play training is basically a fun-filled training method that engages the dog’s main drives, which are to play and hunt. This type of method is often great for Siberian Husky breeds, as they could use their pent up energy as well as learn and enjoy with you.

In conclusion, when it comes to training your pet, there are several things that you need to keep in mind in order for you to really be successful with this. As mentioned above, you need to take into account the age and breed of the dog. There are several dog training methods that you can use to train your pets. However, you must not forget that dogs are man’s best friend. Therefore, we must take care of them and not traumatize them during this learning process. As owner and master, you must make them respect you as the Alpha without being harsh with them.

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