The Curse of Hoarding: Breaking the Bonds of “Things”

The course

Why is “hoarding” a curse? Simply put, it weighs heavily on the person who is emotionally attached to their belongings. The accumulation of “stuff” provides a sense of meaning and satisfaction to the hoarder. In many cases, each possession carries a memory of a different time, place, or person. For the hoarder, getting rid of clutter means losing a part of himself.

even the thought to get rid of old and unused items can cause emotional distress and stress for the accumulator. At the suggestion of “getting organized” or “cleaning out the attic,” he may become angry or socially withdrawn. The hoarder’s personal space includes his “stuff.”

If the individual remains unable to change habits or adjust their behavior, their continual accumulation of stuff it can consume everything. Whether or not a hoarding disorder has been clinically diagnosed, someone who obsessively and/or compulsively hoards possessions can often be identified by the following tendencies:

  • rationalized apologies that they May need (the item) someday, so they’ll save it just in case.
  • Purchase of complete sets or collections (as in the case of furniture or kitchen utensils), instead of just the necessary parts.
  • keep broken items to salvage spare parts to repair similar/identical items that have not yet been broken.
  • move old items (such as appliances and furniture) outside of normal living space (on the porch or backyard) when they are replaced with new items, and removal is then deferred until “someday.”

Habits are not contagious, but can be transmitted to close friends and family through learned behavior. In other words, the expression “birds of the same plumage fly together” applies, just as “the apple does not fall far from the tree”.

The curse is emotional. both for the afflicted individual (the hoarder) and for the family that must one day clean up their estate.

triggers for hoarding

Hoarding is commonly attributed to stressful life events, like the loss of a loved one, a catastrophic fire where all possessions were destroyed, and even genetics. It is identified as a disorder, not a disease, so correcting the behavior involves a change in mindset rather than a medical cure. Some triggers worth mentioning, but not all included, are the following:

  • Deprivation: Many survivors of the Great Depression of the 1930s developed hoarding tendencies. They lived through a time when they often didn’t know where their next meal would come from. Inflation and unemployment were high, and the average household had to stretch dollars and save. They collected old household items to barter, improvise, or repair, because the cost of buying new items was often prohibitive.
  • lost: In cases where someone loses a spouse or child, they may tend to cling to the loved one’s possessions as a way of staying close (mentally and emotionally). When someone suffers the loss of their home (due to a disaster like a fire or a financial loss like a foreclosure), they may tend to collect possessions thereafter for fear of losing them.
  • Sentimentality: If a person lacks a sense of roots Because they have moved from one place to another throughout their lives, they may associate belongings with meaningful memories of times, places, events, and people from various points in their lives. Just as certain songs or smells can often “bring people back” to a point in their early years, the same is true for stuff for the observer. Physical possessions become an anchor point to give them a sense of roots.

unintended consequences

The hoarder (and their loved ones) often find themselves dealing with unpleasant consequences. Their living environment is often dirty and unsanitary due to clutter, dust, and debris. In the worst case, a significant accumulation of trash can lead to rodent or insect infestations. Additionally, excessive clutter poses tripping hazards and fire hazards.

In addition to the physical complications. of hoarding, relationships are also affected. The resulting stress and tension can create family conflict, isolation, and depression.

Recovery and reduction

There is no easy way to convince someone to part with your prized possessions. It’s even harder when everything it is a “prized” possession. Bringing a dumpster into the house and getting rid of everything against the will of the hoarder is not a good option They will feel violated and demanded, and it would be interpreted as a hostile action.

Start small. Take small steps. And communicate throughout the process. If you can agree on specific elements (or types of items) that are “allowed to go,” create a written list as an informal contract. Don’t overdo it. Instead, take a conservative approach and be patient. Little by little, call it progress.

In all probability, the accumulator will have doubts along the way, especially if they are involved in the removal process. Consider having a third party, such as a junk removal company, handle the physical collection and transportation. Make the process as painless as possible for the individual.

If you have adhered to the list of agreed items, your “informal contract” can keep the peace if there is ever a disagreement about what was removed and whether it should have been. Over time, the process becomes easier as the hoarder begins to realize (perhaps somewhat reassuringly) that he doesn’t really miss the items that are gone.

Tea curse of hoarding it can be broken However, it is a slow and deliberate process that requires patience. You can’t push too hard, too fast. However, after a successful cleanse, you and your loved ones can look forward to a calmer future with a less stressful lifestyle.

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